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Everything posted by staboner

  1. NSIAP Channel 5 killing it again. Lots of cringe, lots of sad.
  2. sigh. sorry to see this friends.
  3. I think its entirely too simple to say "elect a black president" as a primary trigger. It obviously coincides with plenty of other globalisation issues coming up that have been boiling for some time. Loss of American exceptionalism, older world views, loss of religion, having to see new people/views, all adds up to radical change. Black POTUS is certainly part of it too. For sure loser is right, but as pyro posted that describes pretty much all of humanity too. I find it interesting that in times of change that such entitled people take it the worst. I guess thats how this whole circus has to play out otherwise Ghandi would just nuke everyone.
  4. this and always this. no mechanism exists for change, which is why this ship has sailed. there is nothing to be done about it any longer.
  5. i live abroad now. and plenty of issues there (to the points you raise here). No problems are being solved in America. Therein lies the true problem. Plenty of people can complain about whatever issue they deem "too much" that they want to move. Its been happening "on both sides" for decades. But if you are really paying attention you see one thing working in America - the stock market and all the feeders of that trough. Thats it. Thats what works. Everything else is a noisy struggle.
  6. texas is regarded. here's tom with the weather got out 4 years ago. never coming back. if its the US it must be a heavy blue state, and even then i doubt it. can't wait to see my homies in ATX this weekend. there will be lots of them wanting out yet again. rinse and repeat. at some point you have to realize this is what it is. this is life in America for the foreseeable future. Ted will get elected, nothing will change. children will die (and every other thing you care about changing isn't changing either) and it fucking sucks
  7. and then toss in food and energy. not much of anything left. its a crapshoot I am afraid. i fucking visiting right now and I want to leave. its much more than the school shooting honestly. but i shall digress.
  8. sorry man. the hopelessness of it juxtaposed to the pics of the kids too much for me today. hope you homies are well for the most part.
  9. sorry to see this friends there is no way to solve this problem in America. that ship has sailed. sorry, i know it sucks to hear but its been obvious for a long time now. you can say the same for healthcare, drugs, justice reform, and so many other things in America. America is a country with no functional leadership and cannot solve any problems. it is what it is.
  10. yeah thats nerve racking for sure. turkey that is.
  11. musk is damn interesting as he weirdly connects various facets of the culture wars. i try to usually stay out of it but happened to stumble across his twats today. just sounds like a whiny baby. that'll be $9.95
  12. hey at least they weren't uh....you know. hows that saying go again? where's art when ya need him
  13. i got a dose of the S dust the last few weeks in the Med. no bueno man.
  14. sorry to see this. there is no solution that will work any longer. it is what it is.
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