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Everything posted by staboner

  1. 75k casualties? that is crazy if true. i would have guessed half that but what they hell do i know
  2. damn. does that dude at the end have any eligibility left?
  3. holy mother of torbush
  4. we're gonna need a bigger graphic
  5. fucking lavrov's bitch ass has the most punchable droopy fucking face i have ever seen
  6. was just gonna say this. i've never understood the need to tell others what to do. that level of insecurity is so damn strange.
  7. i saw a black person with a lonestar card use a smart phone yesterday!
  8. ever thus to deadbeats Melania
  9. i mean wtf is this? this literally killing the living to protect the unborn. we are going to come back in a few years when the *insert-minority-population* concentration camps are happening and wondering how TF we ended up like this
  10. making sure people who don't exist are valued more than people who do exist. its fucking revelations end of world level mental illness. completely removed from caring about the next generation, the earth, fucking anything that isn't their tiny judgement on the here and now. Its such a degenerate and hopeless mindset. fuck its depressing.
  11. when I first got to Oz around 3 something years ago - every store looked like a 1990s website. it was amazing. banner adds everywhere as far as the eye can see. i can only imagine NZ is some next level shit. I mean maybe they are in the 90s now? wouldn't that be nice. They haven't developed enough to hate everyone else just yet.
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