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Everything posted by staboner

  1. i don't know man. if history tells us anything its that these calls can certainly carry on a bit
  2. in soviet russia small pond fishes big and that is all they have been for some time. their only time of being a superpower is when both sides of them collapsed because of an american ass kicking. they've been backpedaling ever since. i think the entire american handling here is making this small dicked putin feel bigly. i think the way this is going down is great honestly. big deal in troubled country of Ukraine. whoopdy fucking doo. just keep those nukes down and let vlad jerk off to his missile porn for the next few days. if he still invades its a bloody mess and you just let him marinate in all its glory. put cameras everywhere. make it horrifying. something something something China doesn't want to invade Taiwan any longer profit.
  3. The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.
  4. a hugely successful economy thinking short term while the underachieving society with absolute control measures in place thinks long term. the shit is written. match made in heaven. absolutely agree, if we had any mid to long term brains at all we would have worked to stabilize Mexico and CA and get more of our shit made there. drugs, people, ideologies, location, whatever. we took the best bid on the market at the time. it is what it is.
  5. some sensitive motherfuckers on page 39 i tell you what
  6. lulz. why is the manufacturer held responsible? on the surface that seems stupid, but when you fail to enact any logical change to any laws or regulations for decade after decade - you end up with dumb shit. if you just had proper licensing and registration, and responsible marketing, the point of legal responsibility would be the retailer i would assume, but alas, America fixing nothing and the beat rolls on.
  7. interesting catching up this morning. the more this wobbles on the better for the US imo. the entire world watching, day and night, the ruskies eventually go into a hornets nest and get bogged down with confusing intentions. eastern european buttholes pucker while (hopefully) western europeans grow a spine to care about broader regional security a bit more. so long as the nukes stay down and asses up, im good
  8. more flashbacks to the posting of Hellraiser97 and his weird world view. this is eerily familiar territory, which is properly addressed by brother Nivek here: treating one party different than other parties is interfering, not separating.
  9. of course man. its already programmed and we aren't strong enough to undo it. one is dumb and one is just outrage porn for the grieving. neither is productive at all, so we roll on aimless, permanently grieving and texting gotchas to each other. quoth stabone 'nevermore'
  10. pics aren't coming in man. wait. i thought the beef ones was just ground beef and not roast beef. my god what are you talking about man!? CSBrolert: once me and a homie were in a bar in st peter. there was a girl on a table dancing and I was like shit lets go there. music just loud as fuck. like 11pm. just got in from flight from US that night. my swarthy dark skinned friend went to order round 2 and the bartender put a machine gun on the bar, ignored my friend and kept doing shots and drinking from the bottle. we just left and blamed it on the jetlag. >end CSB ive only been to russia once and I later was told the early 2000s were cray cray. i am sure from the 90s to now one can say the same
  11. this post by 956 has a good point on that in it basically a large build up everywhere can help obfuscate what the real plan is
  12. i was cheeering for the Rams, maybe just a little, but whatever this feels a bit cheap to me with those fucking penalties, especially that defensive holding
  13. fuck i feel like i have to grab a rubber with my shit on strong goddamn refs
  14. that holding call was soft AF man. the game in on the line christ
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