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Everything posted by staboner

  1. do it. every opportunity to travel is an opportunity to learn and grow what is this ^? not sure what you meant here but it strikes me as being quite out of place IMO
  2. i sweatergawd billichek gets the most out of every player on his team i have ever seen
  3. it seems being a rich dude has a few perks
  4. that dude may have had the worst game i have seen a WR have in my life. he could have 0 catches and been less destructive. Instead he had 3 TOs. wow.
  5. ya'll homies be cool now. hope you can clear No Car Saturday like i did.
  6. Regular Kind of Evil huh? pretty sure I saw them at Club Deville one sxsw many moons ago. those Long Islands hit like a motherfucka i tell you what
  7. i will bold your underline. for me, and its my opinion of course, this applies to people everywhere. you are either learning or dying. if you are staying put for some time - job, friends, living, you will end up with the same cancer that was there to begin with. that'll be $10.95. Inflation.
  8. ah good. something to look forward to in February
  9. damn dude. that sounds bad. i had it bad on shot two for pfizer myself, but prob not that bad. glad it passed
  10. yeah man all good. just be nice to see family again sometime soon. nothing is guaranteed in this life my G
  11. just shifting the goalposts for temp visa holders. which is a large chunk of the pop here, like 1M people mas o menos. yeah, exactly, we know nothing so lets just panic and screw up people's lives again. fucking Oz is almost 90% fully vaxxed too.
  12. and Australia panics and closes the borders again overnight. but hey just for another 2 weeks. or whenever they feel like panicking again. we are giving up on our Xmas in Texas with family, and that sucks. thanksfully I practice gratitude and read the FB groups full of seperated families, parents separated from new borns and all kinds of trauma this shit magnifies - and remember how great I have it. thats how this works right?! GRATITUDE MOTHERFUCKAS you homies be good now. pour out an egg nogg for the homies rotating counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere
  13. yeah man all kinds of protests. its mostly anti vaxxers and anti-pandemic legisltation here in Victoria. And the latter is spot on as the VIC gov wants minimal checks and balances for when they can tell everyone to stay home. Government here is out of control over the top, but we know that. I would get out there too but I don't want to be with the anti vaxxers. eh. NZ is Australia's Australia. Even more isolationist. I get why for obviuous reasons but it is eye opening for them to act in such a manner (without doing jack shit all of nothing for anything else)
  14. imma wait till i hear from Toto on the subject
  15. i hope not man. that kid's athleticism is off the freaking charts.
  16. you know, if he was a businessman (And his day to day trangressions and decisions were not as publically visible/scrutinized) he would be celebrated as crafty, resoureful and intelligent. he is instead a celebrity with emotional ties and shit with teams, cities, etc. and we see everything and talk about everything all the time. i never liked the guy, but i don't dislike him either. just a thought. thanks for your post there. makes sense. tough one as a fan of a team to go through what the cavs did with lebron
  17. this. i feel beaten down today. wife is inside weeping. finally got travel rights monday only to have this new variant bubble up when trying to book expensive last minute tix. i guess wait it out a few days. always risk with Darth Australia waiting in the shadows ready to pounce i want my money back. i sweatergawd i can dodge NuNu with the best of em
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