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Everything posted by staboner

  1. two guys open and just missing them. put more air and more to the middle of the field
  2. one of the things that can be death for a team is almost making the game changing play. that toe out of bounds just rubbed me wrong. we dn't have the mental toughness to recover from that
  3. was gonna post the same. oline isn't great but these playcalls is shite
  4. probably worth giving him a shot. casey is likley a better qb with a shit oline. don't think card has done much wrong here this game but it is what it is
  5. yeah they aren't much more than a few quick dudes on offense. game feels like a week 1 game of bad calls and bad execution
  6. once every 10 years or so is what my data is telling me
  7. lulz. US isn't close to what is happening here. imagine your mother/father/loved one dying in Lousianna and you in Texas cannot go visit them. Imagine being in Singapore for 1 year - completely separated from your family and homeless, and you cannot get a flight to your house in Sydney. More like 1.5 years now. Now imagine that by 10s of thousands of people getting absolutely buttfucked by the Oz government there and many examples inbetween that can take up an entire thread here. Yes, and taking away booze from uber drop offs at an entire apartment complex in total lockdown. Complete opposite of anything happening anywhere in America. And yet Tuckers right there spreading stupid as he does. I managed to run into some right wing south africans on my walk this AM. they - gasp - watch tucker carlson for news. here in fucking Oz. its like a the dirty reverse Murdoch syndrome or something. Australia is of course North Korea and these people want to be free like in the US. But of course they watch tucker who says same same. of course nothing adds up but it never fucking does anyway when outrage is all people are addicted to. We need to shut off the internet for a month. And cable news. Lord save us from ourselves hey - you homies made it to Saturday too. I am happy for you. Can't wait for the fucking game tomorrow.
  8. thanks for posting. everything is fine until its not. the train will eventually have to leave the station i guess. sadly, i don't know if it matters for voting when that train has also left the station, cheating and all. i guess one can hope texas comes around and pulls off the narrowest of victories here and stops this stupid shit
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