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Everything posted by staboner

  1. never seen three passes out of bounds to burn the clock before. weird
  2. i did this as well finally - back and to the left for me. progessive. lulz. some of these questions are awful and are completely off point as to the role of government in our lives. simple reactions to modern problems/news, but i guess that is the way it goes.
  3. thanks for your post and for putting some time and place into your comments. To me these quizzes end up simply tell you how you look with your parents value system and descriptors. It is rather limiting and I would add can be a net negative to change. My two cents - invariably we end up with two parties as thats how we work. Negatively travels faster/easier than positivity and that ends up making us divisive creatures. The division drives our decision making and clouds our judgement. Thats why I always have favored some kind of 3 party / parliamentary style government where there is a floor to the weight each party has. Sure devil's in the details but for now, in this time, we could have a channel for bad behavior to roll to (versus the current MO whereby bad behavior is rationalized by pointing at other bad behavior). Sure it would fail again eventually. I could see it failing by not delivering leadership to change in teh face of adversity and taking teh easy road out. But that is not the time or place I would argue where the US is now, or needs to be worried about. You need to bring the government and its decision making capacity back up to match the population. Right now its just clouded in artificial division and negativity which allows all demons to run amock - career bureaucrats, populism, economic manipulation/control, permanent election cycles, and the whole lot of BS we have all been bitching about for 20+ years now and sadly will be bitching about for the next 20 no doubt
  4. i don't understand this either. (with my limited understanding) the tech and costs have been there for a while, but maybe the accuracy was holding people back from wanting to do this? why this isn't done to do shit like attending a large event like a football game is crazy to me. you would surely catch a few and be able to limit spread quite a bit, even if the accuracy was in question
  5. thats crazy! oh wait, no really it isn't. considering all the other shit the government is taking away from people down here....not surprising at all. of all the western countries i would assume Oz is violating muh freedoms the most. people are finally waking up to this shit. some boomers i ran into yesterday finally started to question this insanity. i had given up long ago thinking we were all going to be like those old school electric football games we had as kids - just vibrating in place like larry and hoping we ended up somewhere with a nice beach where beer was still allowed
  6. fucking eh man i was whipping the lammas ass round these times myself is
  7. musk is a meglo. he believes in nothing but himself to achieve whatever ill you put in front of him. all constructs around that goal are fluid and up for whatever passing interpretation works that day. if we had a more caring society with people not having a 2 second memory he would have been written off long ago after his 2nd hollow statement meglomaniacs. too many running around these days for my liking.
  8. hmm new business model idea here. rape, impregnate, sue, profit. show me a loss!
  9. re: money and the like. if money can provide as cover for someone to still be acceptable in their social circles, then yes i think that can work I think - as @cactusflinthead is reminding us above - educating them out of the con is probably not possible. its a social and emotional issue to try and workaround hope you homies are well. down here in Oz we still have zero rights as fully vaccinated people. vaxed or unvaxed - we are all herded into our homes and scared of everything. fucking madness down here with all levels of this shitty government.
  10. thanks for the posts wash for me - its trying to figure out when/where a government will allow some normal levers to come around, i.e. recession and actual failure. I was hoping for down under but doesn't appear that way as its a double boomer sandwich down here. i am afraid the '08 housing crisis was the last time we semi saw something like that (at least in the US) the screwing of the younger generations for the sake of the boomers to not give a flying fuck about the future is just what it is, is
  11. also, should we recruit offensive linemen from some other part of the country? We've had an average to below average line for what 20 of the last 22 years or some shit? maybe get some kids from big 10 land
  12. If I remember correctly, I believe "Bijan" is Siamese for "he who is pretzle when tackled" dude needs to learn how/when to get tackled and go down
  13. lets see how Bill feels about this. and of course there are a million ways to slice this terrible subject. I most definitely love this perspective from him here, not as an excuse for being pro choice, but more as a reminder to appreciate life a bit more and all the fuckups that come with it you homies be cool now.
  14. Texas punching itself in the face. again. running out of eyes to blacken.
  15. this is making me really fucking mad. the boomers putting all of societies ills down and backward into the less fortunate and children to take responsibility is infuriating. American short sightedness and selfishness on fucking parade here yet again. suckers of satans cock each and every one of em
  16. in a game of tennis always bet against the heterosexual
  17. he was black and media. luckily he wasn't driving and/or bird watching
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