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Everything posted by staboner

  1. shits looking pretty horizontal on the link there that wash posted
  2. they are good. in 2020 it was 100% melbourne. Now in 2021 its Melbs and Sydney doing it tough (as the aussies say). Brisbane with hard lockdowns here and there, but lasting like a week at the longest. big cities are at months and Melbourne is in hard lockdown > 1/2 the year now in both 2020 and in 2021 by late October.
  3. in hindsight, one of the worst things that happened in Oz was that the hard lockdowns actually, or eventually worked. NZ still trying to fuck that chicken doe
  4. actually yes my homie, thanks for asking. we bailed on Melbourne e/o July. Grabbed our computers and one week of clothes and a one way ticket away from the big cities here. Currently on the west coast where there is no covid amazingly enough. i feel bad for my totally vaccinated friends in Sydney and Melbs that - may - get some better rules in Oct/Nov and get outside more
  5. what the fuck is going on in here you homies dissecting the mandate eh? call in the lawyers, make jobs happen. be cool this fine week. lets circle back friday after the what have you
  6. ugh. and our fucking school wants to get closer to the part of the country with the highest concerntration of anti-science, anti-gov folks in the country. for football money.
  7. thats not good as per routine - thanks ahead of time for the galveston updates my homie. and stay safe
  8. bad offensive line eh? hmm. where have i heard this before? like every fucking year of my life as longhorn football fan for fucking ever get lineman and corches from some other part of the country or world. texas highschool lineman ain't cutting it. thats the only thing i can think of at this point. its madness to constantly suck this bad at the most important position group (outside of QB) for this long
  9. damn. will check in with family. 61 inches eh hmm.
  10. 2015 to 2017 i believe we had three 500 year events in houston, at least by the old standards. probably time to rethink them a bit
  11. two guys open and just missing them. put more air and more to the middle of the field
  12. one of the things that can be death for a team is almost making the game changing play. that toe out of bounds just rubbed me wrong. we dn't have the mental toughness to recover from that
  13. was gonna post the same. oline isn't great but these playcalls is shite
  14. probably worth giving him a shot. casey is likley a better qb with a shit oline. don't think card has done much wrong here this game but it is what it is
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