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Everything posted by LowPressure

  1. They're willing to import the entire 3rd world if that will give them the votes to stay in power. Murdering unborn children. MORAL. Building a wall to keep out drug dealers, sex traffickers, cartel members, gang members. IMMORAL. I mean, it makes perfect sense. 🙄 I get it, these people want better lives. So do the poor people of your town or San Francisco. Just like illegals who break into our country for a 'better life' wouldn't the poor & homeless of Nancy's district be better off inside her house? Wouldn't they benefit from better food like that Nancy no doubt enjoys? Wouldn't their kids be better off in the school district that Nancy lives in...vs their current ones? Might they too find more opportunity living in Nancy's neighborhood? So why does Nancy have an immoral wall around her home? Why does she not invite these less fortunate souls into her home? How about all the others who find the wall immoral? Where do you draw the line? The US border? Your State border? The County you live in? A the city limits? Your neighborhood? Or your home? I'm guessing most people opposed to the wall fall into 3 categories. A. Those who have never really thought about the costs of illegal immigration and open borders. (Considering we all are the world's 'rich') And are more emotional than logical about the entire situation. (Which I understand to a degree...yes, many of those people do want better lives...but at what cost? The real solution is to fix their countries). B. Those who see voters & power. C. Those who don't worry about having to compete with these people for jobs...but do enjoy cheap law service, low cost construction, or having them as cheap labor in their businesses.
  2. And as I was looking through my Twitter feed this popped up... Frankly I didn't want to get into this or bother to research it...but I remember the removal of statues was also huge at this time. Many of the people that came out were there to protest against the destruction of history...not support white supremacy or antisemitism. There has been a major effort by the left and the MSM to twist Trump's words...reading it makes it pretty clear.
  3. That whole thing is disingenuous IMHO. The organizer was a former Occupy moron. And like Richard Spencer...he's more of a socialist. But you're right about one thing...Trump was wrong. There were good people on both sides that day. There were also racist, socialist, white supremist assholes AND racist, communist, ANTIFA, SJW assholes.
  4. I have no doubt you're not burdened with deep thought. 👍
  5. And I guess we just pretend Somalia isn't a shit hole that makes Mexican corruption look like Canada? *As long as we're ignoring reality and logic...why the fuck not...right? 🙄
  6. Cool reply. I guess we'll just pretend that these pictures don't exist as well? Hassan Ali Khayre's resume is what one might expect from a potential Somali prime minister. From 2002 until 2014, Khayre worked for the Norwegian Refugee Council, eventually directing the NGO’s work in the Horn of Africa. But in 2014, Khayre abruptly strayed from this career path -- or, perhaps, assiduously followed it -- when Russian oil oligarch Alexander Djaparidze named Khayre the executive director of Soma Oil & Gas. Djaparidze had formed Soma Oil & Gas in 2013 for the purpose of securing a contract to drill Somalia. Predictably, Soma was soon under investigation by the UK’s Serious Fraud Office for bribery payments to Somalia’s Oil Ministry. The U.S. Treasury Department would soon list Djaparidze as one of 210 Vladimir Putin associates for Congress to consider sanctioning. And Hassan Ali Khayre was also soon under investigation by the UN Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea -- reportedly for far more disturbing behavior. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soma_Oil_%26_Gas Soma Gas & Oil is a private oil company founded chiefly to explore natural resources in Somalia in 2013.[2] Its registered office in London, United Kingdom.[3] The company is backed by Russian billionaire Alexander Djaparidze.[4] https://www.forbes.com/profile/alexander-dzhaparidze/#430d9236259e Forbes confirms that he's indeed tied to Putin! Hey! Actual Russian collusion!!! I knew PJ would be an issue, but the basics of this article are indisputable.
  7. A. I think there are plenty of legitimate questions on her status as a citizen. As it appears there is little doubt she defrauded the immigration system marrying her brother. B. She's very much tied to the corrupt Somalian Government & it's President. This is critical as... - She's exempted from background checks for security due to her elected status. - She's on Foreign Affairs Committee which has substantial exposure to sensitive Gov documents. (Nice work Nancy - you PC fucking dolt!) It's all well documented here in a series of articles by David Steinberg (probably a Jew!) who appears to be all over this story. You can poo poo it all you want, but the reality is she's an ardent supporter of Sharia law. She's strong ties to one of the most corrupt Governments / Countries on the planet, and she's got access to a lot of critical information. You can tell me Somalia isn't a threat to the US, and you'd be right to a degree. But don't for a minute think that Somalia won't sell that information to Iran, Russia, China or any other bidders. But I guess this is how the DNC sells out US interests to Islamic states now that we've gotten the Awan Klan out of the Congressional IT world. 😠 https://pjmedia.com/davidsteinberg/ilhan-omar-endorsed-somalias-new-president-four-days-later-omars-brother-in-law-had-a-powerful-job-in-his-administration/ To pretend that Islam & Sharia law aren't an issue, or that they don't run counter to our way of life and freedoms is insanely naive. Just look at what is happening in Europe. Google it.
  8. Good luck at the Special Olympics.
  9. A. It's been approved multiple times but never funded. B. It's a national security issue, a task that the Federal Gov is Constitutionally charged with carrying out. C. As the Dems are proving by not coming back to the table after Trump reopened the Gov...it's not 100% on him.
  10. You're doing great until the last part. I don't agree that the right is authoritarian. Sure there are Big Gov Republicans (RINOS) but I'd say most agree with Mark Levin, that there is only Freedom & Tyranny If you look at what the two parties want...which side has everything that must be enforced and implemented by Gov? Which side is creating programs with endless regulations, fees, and taxes? For all the talk of Trump doing this or that...what oppression has Trump put on anyone? There are only two areas I can think of... Immigration, which is long existing law on our books. Laws that even when Dems had full control of the Gov they didn't change. And frankly almost all of them have said that illegal immigration needs to be addressed and fixed at some point, including Schumer, Obama, both Clintons, and even Nancy. Abortion, which most people on the Right view as murder and the Left view as 'choice'. OF course the left doesn't want to acknowledge that there are choices before that could be changed that negate the need for abortion all together.
  11. Venezuela is a great example of why everyone should be leery of Gov solving anything...and why you never give up your guns. That said, I don't think we should intervene with any military activity.
  12. Yep...they're already gone. 🙄 https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/nasa-study-mass-gains-of-antarctic-ice-sheet-greater-than-losses Yes, they're melting. They've always melted to some degree or another. But as NASA points out the net gains in snow are greater than ice loss. Who really knows what the historical activity of these places are? It's not like we have more than 50 years of actual data that's anything close to accurate. And Gore, who's one of the worlds greatest alarmists isn't evidently worried about it enough to stop traveling by private jet, close down some of his mansions that he heats & cools 365, or even to keep him from buying a $9 million dollar CA mansion in an area he predicts will soon be under water. He either forgot, lies, or is a moron? I'll let you decide.
  13. Well, to be equivalent you'd be going up to Shaun King & refer to him as "Kubta Kinta" I don't think Talcum X could kick anyone's ass. 😉
  14. One has nothing to do with the other. And there are no shortage of rich Democrats that have gotten the same privileges due to their financial or family status. I disagree with all affirmative action. Not because I'm heartless, but because it's insulting to those who it pretends to help. And it undermines minorities who didn't need it. In addition it enables victim mentality and lowers standards. And let's not pretend that there are no opportunities for poor people to go to college. She didn't need to be Native American to get ahead if she is really that qualified.
  15. I believe I'm a chocolate lab. Does that mean I can stop paying taxes? I mean....I REALLY BELIEVE IT. So I'm in the clear...right? Your honor, the defendant believes he really is a chocolate lab. How can the IRS possibly seize his assets for tax evasion? There was no intention of fraud here! He actually believes he's chocolate lab and labs don't pay taxes! Well if he really believes it. Case dismissed! 🙄 If you really think Warren didn't realize that she wasn't white, or wasn't smart enough to know that she in no way meet the minimum requirements to be considered Native American (as a law professor no less) then I don't know what to tell you. She's either retarded or a fraud. I'll let you decide.
  16. I don't believe we've seen all the other applications...but you can't just start a lie from nothing. This doesn't give direct privileged, but it does show that she used her 'status' as a fake Native American. Any job she applied for will also have this as her ethnicity, and she'd need to have her Bar application match that lie to continue the fraud. My guess is this is just one of the endless applications with her claim of being 'Native American' but like Obama's education records we'll likely never see them. It's also why she won't claim to never have used Native American status on any other applications. Look, all politicians lie. But this one should be especially abhorrent to leftists. Warren fraudulently utilized the mechanisms put in place to take opportunity from someone who is a 'victim' of 'social injustice' If you found out that Ted Cruz had only gotten into college due to claiming fraudulent Native American status you'd want to hang him...not make him President.
  17. She put it on her Texas Bar application. https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/05/politics/warren-american-indian-texas-bar/index.html We're to assume this was a one time event? Because that's especially hard to believe considering she's touted her 'Native American' heritage including in her time at Harvard as their 'first woman of color' (that color being white...I guess?) . Here you can read from a student at Harvard Law during her time there, and about the events prior to her joining the Harvard Law faculty. He/She admits that Warren was a qualified professor, but it cannot be denied that she was given the opportunity at a time when Harvard was under pressure to hire minorities. In addition Harvard advertised her as such. We can pretend all we want, but there is little doubt that she was given a prestigious position based on her fraudulent heritage. That position allowed her access to many other opportunities. https://www.weeklystandard.com/jennifer-braceras/one-of-elizabeth-warrens-harvard-law-students-explains-why-her-native-american-gambit-matters And let's not for a minute pretend that there were not viable ways to determine ancestry at the time, or that there wasn't benefit (especially in the academic community) to being 'Native American' vs just another white person.
  18. @bad_teammate you hate that she did this? Or that I pointed it out? Because there is nothing factually inaccurate about what I've posted.
  19. She lied about her heritage for preferential treatment & career advancement. BUT she did it to help others! That she became a millionaire, Harvard professor as a result was just a fortuitous side effect.
  20. I think they're serious this time people! The other end of the world, climate crisis were just drills! This is the BIG ONE! Quick! Surrender our way of life...despite the US being the only country who's actually done anything to reduce carbon emissions (which has come at a huge cost btw). Look, leftists love abortion and are deeply concerned about the damage mankind is doing to the world. To me, this provides an abundantly clear solution that is a Win/Win for leftists across the country. Abort yourselves and save the world! Literally, no one will stop you.
  21. You're going to want to get a bigger dog...that beagle won't make 3 good meals.
  22. She's a product, nothing more, nothing less. She's had a ton money and support thrown behind her to make & mold her into this facade. She's nothing more then their useful idiot. A pretty face, the right age, in the right district, that they could use as a 'rags to riches' grassroots, feel good, story. But, the longer this goes on, the harder it will be to keep that all locked down. When she's used up, they'll find another.
  23. See, this here...this is terrifying. You actually believe "She's smart as fuck" 😂 She took an $180k education and turned it into a bar tending job at a Mexican restaurant at age 29. Yea, she's a real fucking genius. 🙄 She just proposed a "New Green Deal" that is so unworkable that it's insane to even consider. No one with even a hint of economic education, or the historical understanding of the consequences of money printing (which is what she's planning to do if you read her manifesto) could possibly do anything but laugh at her and her proposal. Yet, here you are.
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