Edit: Damn, gmr548 beat me to the punch by about 30 seconds, but I'll still leave mine up anyway.
This post is confusing to me. Maybe you're just being sarcastic, in which case you can just ignore the rest of this post. But with $180k combined income and no other debt, you can certainly afford a $360,000 house. Just doing some quick, back of napkin math: let's say you put 5% down ($18k), and you do a 30-year mortgage with a 3.1% rate; your payment would be roughly $1,800/month (Plus or minus a few bucks depending on your exact insurance, taxes, etc.) I'm not sure what part of Tennessee you live in, but based on what I'm seeing in my area right now (Spring Hill, TN just south of Nashville), you are more than likely paying more than $1,800/month in rent right now. Also, based on what I'm seeing in my area, you're not going to like what you see if you wait until Summer 22 to buy something.