I'm no Trump-apologist, but I'll play Devil's advocate here: Many of you have stated that Trump should have pushed for mask mandates, lockdowns, contact tracing, etc. immediately in February 2020 when the virus first emerged and he found out how bad it could possibly get. I won't argue with any of that; because hindsight is 20/20, and hindsight tells us that had we done all of those things back in February 2020, many lives probably would have been saved.
So now let's pretend Trump lost the 2016 election and Hillary was in charge back in February 2020. For the sake of the argument, let's say as soon as Hillary found out about the virus in February 2020, she did the "right thing" and came out and said that we shouldn't leave our houses unless it was absolutely necessary and that we should all wear masks if we did absolutely have to go out into public, etc. etc. Does anyone here really think the vast majority of Americans would have just abided by all of those things? Seriously. Close 600k Americans have died of Covid as of today, and there's still a huge chunk of our population that refuses to wear a facemask. There's no way people were going to wear them back when there were only a handful of active cases in the country, regardless of who was telling them to do it.
The reality is; no matter who was in charge when this whole thing first started you were going to have half the U.S. population wanting to do what the president said, and you were going to have the other half the population saying "SEE?! That's why I didn't vote for this crazy fucker!" Sure, the person that was actually in charge when this whole thing started could have done many things better and more efficiently, but the bottom line is that the American people were never going to handle this thing as well as some other countries. I think we can all probably agree on that.