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Everything posted by TexasPride10

  1. Your analysis of his analysis is horseshit. Lebron's original tweet was incredibly irresponsible, and he should have just said "Hey, I was wrong to post that earlier so I took it down. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions before gathering the facts." But he's too much of a narcissist to just admit he was wrong.
  2. One of my best friends went to West Virginia, and I can guarantee you those fuckers consider us their biggest game every year in every sport. They hate Pitt more than they hate us, but they get more excited to play us.
  3. He's hiring regarded coaches to fill his staff? Looks like we dodged a bullet there, fellas.
  4. This is one thing that always infuriated me about Herman. I never once saw him chewing someone's ass on the sideline after a bonehead play and/or penalty. You can't expect those kinds of mistakes to stop happening if the players aren't scared of what might happen if they do something stupid.
  5. Who?
  6. He lost me forever when he made and posted a video trying to portray his time as a Texas athlete as a miserable experience.
  7. Can you not read? I literally mentioned two of his accomplishments as OU's DC (National title, Sugar Bowl victory over Alabama). But thanks for asking, I guess.
  8. Edit: well, fuck me. I saw the news of the false report broke while I was typing my rant. Would I have picked Stoops for the job? No, because I despise the Stoops name as much as anyone here. But I can't fathom actually being as upset about it as some of you are. It's a fucking linebackers coach. Anyone who thinks he's going to have enough on-field influence to make our defense suck, or enough off-field influence to lead Sark back to drinking needs to calm the fuck down. If he brings absolutely nothing else to the table, it seems worth it to have a coach on staff that knows more about defending OU's offense than pretty much any other coach out there. His tenure at OU obviously didn't end well, but let's not forget who was in charge of the OU defense the last time they won a national championship, or the last time they beat Alabama. Sark hit a grand slam with every single one of his other hires, so let's not act like a bunch of pussies over his final piece of the puzzle.
  9. Permission granted.
  10. Yea, yea, yea, we know. Eat shit.
  11. Saban’s going to do everything in his power to keep Sark from taking any other Bama coaches with him. I actually just recently watched the HBO special about Saban and Belichick, and there was a segment where they both discussed having assistant coaches leave to take head coaching jobs. Saban said something along the lines of “I’m all for helping my guys develop as coaches and then move on to other things, but I have a real problem when those coaches think they can just take other pieces of our program with them. I’m not ok with that.” That doesn’t necessarily mean Sark won’t get any of the Bama coaches that have been mentioned, but I do fully expect Saban to derail as many of those as he can.
  12. His interception in the NCG cost us 17 yards of field position, and then Colt got hurt on the 12 yard line... So, I think it's more than justifiable to blame Colt's injury on Blake.
  13. I can't even estimate the number of times I said the words "I fucking love Sam Ehlinger" out loud over the last four years.
  14. What the fuck is the comma in there for? Edit for clarity: I'm questioning the comma in Ketch's tweet.
  15. Fuck it. I choose to believe this. Following this board over the last few weeks is the most fun I've had as a Texas football fan in awhile, so I might as well keep the fun alive while I can. Let's fuckin ride
  16. We don't deal with unrealistic hypotheticals on this board.
  17. 10. I was pumped. And wrong.
  18. Fuck Tom Herman.
  19. Sam wasn't talking trash or flexing in OSU's face, because he knew OSU was about to go right down the field and score.
  20. The play calling clearly changes when he's not 100%. It's clear as day to anyone paying attention.
  21. Hell, I'll settle for him not snapping the ball into his own asshole when Sam is in shotgun.
  22. "This is John... (heavy sigh)... whatever..." texas.
  23. As a Longhorn fan that lives in Nashville and has to deal with annoying Tennessee fans all the time, I am staunchly opposed to this comparison. Tennessee's most recent national championship appearance was 11 years before our most recent appearance. I'm obviously not happy with the state of our program, but I argue all the time that we're not even close to being on Tennessee's level.
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