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Everything posted by immortal13

  1. Call these guys
  2. I guess you didn't read the article. He started shooting at the people mowing his yard and THEN the called in the SWAT team. Jfc
  3. The end of that game was glorious.
  4. So you hire a guy to run your shit that got fired 2 years ago for a gun safety issue. What could go wrong?
  5. This could be made into a movie
  6. I wish they had picked a different lead actress
  7. I'm almost positive the bullet that caused that death was a regular live round that was mixed in a magazine of blanks or dummy rounds.
  8. And reports are already out that they found lead. Is that enough proof for you?
  9. Only a live round could pass through a person and injured another. A blank or dummy round could not do that. A blank has killed someone on a film set before but it was at point blank range
  10. Derka says they work often enough. Case closed
  11. Cloak Room is down the hall. You'll notice the smell when you're getting close
  12. How is it not Alec Baldwin's fault? He pulled the fucking trigger while aiming the gun in an unsafe direction where people were standing and while practicing his "quick draw" when they weren't even filming the scene. You must be dense. And furthermore he is the one who didn't hire the appropriate personnel because he is cheap and didn't want to spend the money on his low budget shitty movie. That is why proper safety protocols weren't used. It is his fucking fault and he will likely get the shit sued out of him. Hopefully he will face criminal charges for negligence as well. I don't care if you like my opinion or not. Fuck you and Alec Baldwin
  13. Lmao at the cloak roomers circling the wagons around Alec Baldwin 🤣
  14. I agree. Not trying to act like a gun expert "know it all", and I realize the gun has to be pointed at the person when shooting the scene(s), but if AB was just practicing then common sense should have told him to aim the gun in a direction that was free of people. My dad is a retired Army Colonel, so muzzle awareness and trigger discipline were ingrained in me from a very early age. Baldwin just seems to be a fucking moron
  15. Umm yeah we get that. My understanding is that he wasn't shooting the scene at the time but was practicing his "quick draw" at the time of the incident, so yeah he could have and should have been pointing the gun in a safe direction. Unfortunately for the victims, Alec Baldwin is a dumbfuck
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