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Everything posted by immortal13

  1. Good one
  2. So what's the harm of testing him to find out? So pathetic watching liberals delude themselves, but more hilarious 🤣😆
  3. 1. You don't have a fucking clue what I care about 2. Biden is the president JJ, quit being a little bitch and deflecting the issue. You know that Biden has lost his fucking marbles...you just won't admit it.
  4. Neither bragging nor the one who even brought up Trump's name. I asked about Biden. I'd like to know how close he is to full blown dementia. By the looks of things, it's not far
  5. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  6. Enlighten me, assclown. Although I don't actually give a fuck since HE ISNT PRESIDENT ANYMORE. I know you lefties are still obsessed with the former president, which is hilarious. Oh shit, lookie there a perfect score https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1234762
  7. Why not just compare cognitive tests? Then you will have your answer.
  8. What does Trump have to do with this? He is out of public office. And I seem to remember he did pretty good on a cognitive test. Let's see how Joe does
  9. So you think Joe is all good upstairs? Do you really, or are you just as fucked in the head as Joe?
  10. Harhar!!! Only a delusional stupid fuck would disagree that Joe needs to be tested. His eggs are scrambled
  11. It's time for the cognitive test
  12. What are you basing your take on? There's plenty of proof the Cuban government is oppressive and corrupt
  13. Captainantifa is why we can't have nice things
  14. I've got tree-fiddy on Swayze
  15. Who the fuck is Jason Isbell?
  16. That would be a cool band name
  17. Lmao nothing is wrong with me. I know it made you feel giddy inside...just fucking admit it, you old cowardly bitch
  18. Posting that with that tag line made you feel really good, didn't it?
  19. Seems like they got caught by videotaping themselves
  20. I think you might have skipped a chapter...
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