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Everything posted by immortal13

  1. So it would be ok if those "couple" of kids dominate the entire league or district? I mean there seems to be a precedent already.
  2. Just do away with men's and women's athletic depts and just have one division where all athletes compete for the positions available Sorry ladies
  3. Must've been the same guy that spray painted LeBron James' fence
  4. KP needs to start upping his fucking game on a consistent basis. Luka has been carrying this team most of the season
  5. I'm not saying he was, just saying that was the officer's claim and the reason for what he said
  6. Fuck you..You're not even worth my response. And yes I know he owns the place, Einstein.
  7. Did I say you brought up race? But you definitely played the race card. I completely disagree with his take as well, but you liberal cunts playing the race card on every other fucking post is regarded.
  8. Pulling the race card out is lame. Aren't you a mod or something? Do better.
  9. When he said "ride the lightning" I thought he meant use his tazer on him. I don't think he was referring to a possible execution of the man...
  10. Holy shit that's crazy. It's one thing to break in and do that but a whole other thing to live in an attic for that long and planning it. Did that guy have any ties to the woman and husband? Nope...just a random crazy guy
  11. He was overrated and boring as a player, and of all the former nba players, he seemed like a very poor choice to be an "analyst" of anything.
  12. This is an attempted murder story but worthy of posting. One of my ex-wife's cousins "Ellen" was alone one morning, and while stepping out of the shower she saw a man in a ninja costume holding a big butcher knife standing in her bathroom. He attacked and raped her and stabbed/cut her many times, including the neck region. Somehow she survived and they later caught the guy. He had been living in her attic for a week and had slipped up there one day while the garage door was open. He had been listening to their conversations, and knew her husband would be gone that morning playing golf. He was caught on foot somewhere in their neighborhood I believe, and was a mentally ill man(obviously). This happened in Austin and was featured on the TV series I Survived.
  13. With Lebron's build and athleticism you don't need much basketball skill
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