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Everything posted by immortal13

  1. Another statement win by the Mavs, especially without Porzingis.
  2. He wouldn't have had the "he was reaching" excuse to use, though
  3. Stopped reading at "got some Chili's".. Results invalid
  4. His behavior is very disappointing to say the least. I can't imagine why he gives a fuck what Michael Rappaport says, or any other random person for that matter
  5. Fuck you. This is a good friend's wife and I'll post the info wherever the fuck I want to. He put it on his own Facebook page. These people happen to work in the medical field and they and the doctors are certain the vaccine was the cause.
  6. My friend Clay's wife is getting moved out of ICU to a regular bed today. She's still not out of the woods completely but much better.
  7. Luka needs to fucking knock it off with the techs. He's not that far from a 1 game suspension
  8. I wish it was. I'd rather not name names, but I was really worried my buddy was going to end up with 2 young kids to raise without their mother.
  9. The Moderna shot almost killed a good friend's wife. She is 36 or 37 and in great health...or was. I'm not sure if it was 2 or 3 days ago, but her kidneys and liver began to fail and they had to move her from Tyler to Baylor medical in Dallas. She finally showed improvement yesterday and not yet out of the woods but it looks like she is going to live.
  10. I own a pest control business and I carry a pellet rifle in my truck for the occasional critter I have to shoot in an attic...so this hits close to home Seriously though, he was on his hands and knees, unarmed and begging for his fucking life. How the fuck Brailsford walked on this I will never understand, or the lack of public outcry for that matter.
  11. How will he ever come up with that kind of money?
  12. I knew it had to be this case without even watching the video in the OP. This was a straight up execution and this piece of shit skated with pension and everything. Just unbelievable, really
  13. He was supposed to play up til right before tipoff. Incorrect
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