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Everything posted by immortal13

  1. He meant his personal office snack fridge was empty. He just got confused
  2. This might be the dumbest post in the history of Surly
  3. We also have the spray foam insulation in walls and attic, so I think that helped us out as well
  4. Well we did it for about 48 hours straight with no problems, but our main downstairs area is huge with open floorplan. Between the Big Buddy and our fireplace we were pretty comfortable No clue on the filter thing, doesn't really makes sense to me why they would need one. I know there is more than one brand you can get.
  5. Which model are you talking about? I have 2 of the smaller size and 1 "big buddy" size. I think I got it for around $100 on ebay. The smaller ones are great, but if you need to warm your whole garage or large room, the big buddy is what you need. https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/mr-heater-big-buddy-portable-heater
  6. Get the bigger size and the adapter hose to fit a large propane tank. The bigger unit has a fan that runs on 4 D batteries. The fan makes a huge difference in how much area it will heat up
  7. Honda eu series. I have a 2000 and a 3000 watt. The 2k is much smaller and versatile. No to your 2nd question
  8. I'm starting to get a little concerned about my weed supply
  9. Yeah fuck that. I might want to go find some pine knot in the woods to start my fucking fires with. Starting it with a gas ignition seems like cheating
  10. To keep others from getting it before they do. Duh
  11. Mosquitos are fucking horrendous in Alaska
  12. Team woodburing fireplace here. When we were looking at houses a few years ago my realtor seemed annoyed by my insistence on this preference. I just want to burn some real fucking wood, gotdammit!
  13. People are using it to start their fireplace....stupid
  14. If you don't own already, go by at least 1 large size Mr Heaters. They can use either small propane bottles or will run for 36 hours or better on a large propane tank(grill size). Indoor safe and has a built in battery operated fan that will heat up a medium/large size room very well.
  15. Space heater worked. Now we have power back on and all faucets are good. Thanks for the helpful tip
  16. Ok serious comment/request. We have had no power since Sunday 4am. I had propane bottles stocked up and between a couple of Mr Heaters and firewood I've managed to keep the downstairs main area above 65 for the most part. Running a little low on firewood but I've got a big Stihl chainsaw and some large downed limbs I can cut up. My only issue I'm having is my kitchen sink faucet is frozen as of early this morning. I have a small space heater hooked up to a generator running under the sink cabinet. Anything else I can do?
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