Finally took the keys over for our pool (will post pictures once landscape is done). Chlorine levels are super high, but chalking it up to them shocking the shit out of it and having the chrloinator on full blast before handing over to me to maintain it. My plan was to let it come down naturally (rain water, filling it with water and setting chlorinatior to min) over the next couple days. Especially since the pH is spot on. Am I wrong for this? As a kid, my mom spent so much time trying to add chemicals to balance out the other chemicals and it was a back and forth game. Where my dad would just end up draining half the pool and refill it when she’d go out of town and it would be spot on for months. Another question is run times (rpm and schedules). I’m seeing several different things and they’re all conflicting. Any advice? Any good recs on pool stores, where best to buy supplies, websites/message boards to follow? I live in Wylie for reference.