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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TTU13

  1. I have a tankless, curious to learn more about the every 2 year deal. As far as myself, I do all that fairly regularly. Just wasn’t sure if there was something I may be missing for a couple hundred bucks. Only real “issue” was the post tension rods on the foundation had a slight exposure so I put some cement over those to prevent any water exposure.
  2. Yup, it’s a personal card. Ask your financial advisor if they have it and they’ll be able to provide details. I’m at Morgan Stanley, my parents at Charles Schwab. That’s how I know for sure those two offer it.
  3. Not sure where to post, so I’ll post it here. Wife and I are young (31), built our first home and planned on being here for 5-7 years before upgrading. Given current market, we decided we’re staying here and will make some of the upgrades we wanted to get on our next home on this house and save the extra money to buy a second home when the market drops. We’re coming up on our 4th year here. Is it a good idea to have a home inspection every couple years to catch any issues with foundation, plumbing, etc? I imagine paying the 500-600 bucks to catch something early is worth it? We have zero settling issues (that I can see) but would rather get ahead on any issues that may come up to save headaches later on.
  4. If you have money at Morgan Stanley or Charles Schwab (others may do it as well), as long as you keep $x amount of dollars in a checking account and contribute $y a month in auto deposit, they’ll cover your AMEX Plat fee for you and an additional card holder. The money you deposit monthly you can then transfer out to another account if you need to.
  5. Or the line “makes ya think, huh?” After they screenshot some conspiracy thing and post on their Instagram story.
  6. Patrick Lencioni. Check him out. Much easier and relatable content.
  7. To clarify - what made it “bad” was the morons who dont pre check in and then argue and cause the line to back up. I’ve flown 20ish times the last 6 months.
  8. Legit never had an issue. Worst experience was in PHX, it was a 5 min wait to get in. DFW has the best centurion experience. Servers gladly pour doubles and let you order multiple drinks instead of one drink at a time.
  9. Sat first class last week on AA. Well worth the upgrade price. FA kept the woodford reserve flowing and no fucks given about wearing a mask. Especially worth it since I was running late and didn’t have time to hit up the Centurion lounge ahead of time per usual.
  10. Pure anecdotal here, but of everyone I’ve known that has gotten covid (unvaxxed, vaxxed, boostered) my wife and I have had the most mild symptoms of the people we know and all we had was the JnJ shot last March. Is there to much of a focus on antibody measures and not enough reviews of T and B cells? Does the JnJ do a better job of building immunity from T and B cells but a worse job at preventing infection? I’m pro vax. Tried to get booster shot, but every time I saw an available appointment it didn’t fit my schedule.
  11. I had it last week, symptoms super mild. Light sore throat for 4 days and then the day of brain fog. I worked out today and noticed my heart rate was much higher than normal for a light workout but my breathing seemed normal. Yes, I’ve been lazy since the holidays, but my two workouts the week before covid were pretty normal. Anyone have a similar experience? I suppose I’m still in that window of having it so that could explain it.
  12. Excellent, thank you for the response! Sent your response to the wife and the couple were going with. I’ll follow up once I hear back from them if there’s any questions. Thanks again!
  13. Just booked a trip to NYC in 2 weeks, dirt cheap flight and staying in SoHo. Wrapping up my omnicron + and ready to get back in the world. Already booked the comedy cellar, (it’s always a must for us). Any fine dining recs (yes I know last minute hard to get a reservation) or bars? Haven’t been since early 2020 so any insight into what to avoid or be aware of would be helpful too. Fully vaxxed, are places cool with digital vax card?
  14. Not even a full today.
  15. Checking in as +. Outside of being tired for 2 days and a sore throat, the only pain in the ass was the brain fog yesterday that went away by 4-5 pm. I couldn’t remember shit most of the morning unless I wrote it down. It started fading mid afternoon and by early evening was gone. JnJ showing its muscle! Wife has it to, she’s basically had very very mild flu like symptoms hers started before mine and still continue but nothing crazy. Same JnJ. We both got it back in March.
  16. Highly recommend downloading the app. So much easier to place bets in real time and you don’t have to go back to the window to cash in your ticket, etc. The app also allows you to bet anywhere (that is legal) so you don’t have to worry about trying to run to the sportsbook right before kickoff when you’re hungover from the night before.
  17. My dad bought my mom whatever was considered the fanciest vacuum at the time and said it was from my siblings and I (we had no idea) one year. He also bought her a Lexus that same year. Solid troll job.
  18. I have HuluLive and ESPN+ and only issue I have is when spectrum fucks up and internet goes out. Love the Hulu UI. Don’t DVR shit as anything I want is on demand after the fact. Only negative is making sure I log in once a month while at home so I can watch on my phone when I travel.
  19. I used Vaxyes and it synced my vax card into my Apple wallet. No issues anywhere.
  20. My wife has a habit of ruining nice things. I typically try and find her decent brand things that where if she loses, ruins, breaks, etc that the cost is minimal for a replacement. We’re both “due” for new iPhones and iWatches. So we go to the Apple store to upgrade those and I say fuck it, I’ll get us new head phones too. Keep in mind, previously I bought her some JBL ear buds that she kept in great shape for 2 years that I got dirt cheap on a prime day. Got her the airpod pros. First flight we get on two weeks later she knocks lose her airpod and it falls out on the flight. 2 minutes later pilot gets on the PA to say buckle up it’s going to be a bumpy flight. She starts panicking and goes to grab her airpod and knocks it further into the seat. FA walks by and asks if everything is okay. I explain the situation. FA then asks to clear out our row and row behind us. We now have two rows of people standing in the aisle as the plane starts to descend for landing. FA is tearing apart the seat to find said airpod. Somehow the airpod gets lodged into the j-box where all the wiring in the seat is. FA tells us we can call maintenance when we land and they’ll come take the seat apart and then delay the flight to its final destination. We were getting off at the stop, but half the plane wasn’t. I just tell the FA we’re good, I’ll just eat the cost and buy her a new set. Apparently I was an asshole for cracking jokes and lightening the mood while several of us were standing in the aisle during a bumpy ride. To add insult to injury, during my wife’s initial panic, she spilled the guy next to hers drink on him. She also spilled her drink on me at the centurion lounge at the airport prior to our flight. Oh, and she lost a chunk of change on craps at the casino that night. Fortunately, I had a good night at the tables and cancelled out her losses. Yes, I’m an asshole because I bring up this story every time we hang out with a new group of friends since.
  21. Just got back from Vegas a couple hours ago. Uber was quick and cheap. 15 bucks to Bellagio Wed night and 13 bucks back to airport this afternoon. This trip we did Catch, Nobu and Jean-George’s. All were incredible.
  22. If you’re a golfer, Travis Mathew has a sale for 50-60% off on their website. Just need to be patient navigating it, it kept crashing.
  23. My neighbor learned how to flush his pool out in a pinch and rescued a couple other neighbors to save on damage. Ended up only having to replace 2-300 worth of easy to get parts. I recommend doing some pre-study to know the process in case it’s needed.
  24. Any idea if Milwaukee does the mount back plate as an adder? I bought a smaller one to fit between some existing stuff and was going to install a pegboard on the wall but like the idea of it being mounted to the bench to hide wood and other large objects behind it.
  25. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just didn’t update the pricing on the sign in store and when you take it to the register it would ring up at the online price.
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