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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TTU13

  1. No jinx, rented a car 4 out of the last 6 weeks while traveling and haven’t had any issues on availability. You could tell they were short, but they always had cars available.
  2. Super super premature, but considering a second property. Not sure what, everywhere from a condo in Chicago to land in middle of nowhere. Wife and I are on two different spectrums here but there’s a sweet spot on both extremes we’d agree on. Any recommendations on things to keep in mind when looking? Any gotchas? Extra costs were not thinking about? Minimum time in a place to keep in mind, etc?
  3. I just did Broadway and Bourbon street back to back weekends. Let’s see what this vax can handle.
  4. Wow. One of my neighbors is buddy buddy with our Coventry sales guy still. I’ll ask him to ask the sales guy about that.
  5. Wife and I were planning on keeping our “starter” house (were youngest in our neighborhood) for a couple more years. But how things are shaping up, we’re considering making this a longer term house and buying a small condo or property somewhere as a vacation place instead. Crazy how things have changed in the last two years.
  6. What part of Chicago? I was in the weekend before and spent most of the time in River North. Wear the mask to get inside and from there more or less free for all once you got “seated”. Went to Wrigley and had good seats behind home plate, they didn’t give much of shit. The blarts weren’t wearing a mask anywhere. Side note, (no cloak room) they were looking to be challenged. Double side note, I hope the outside tables/streets blocked off stays in the summer. A beautiful Chicago summer afternoon that shit would be awesome. We never were out there since it was cold and rainy but several people wouldn’t go inside unless to piss. Only downside was they added a 5% covid grat to all checks. You could ask to remove it, but I didn’t want to be that asshole. At least their suggested tip didn’t include that. In SF their suggested tip included all 123443 taxes then calculated the tax.
  7. Is there a chart on shots given by specific vax and by date? Curious on JnJ “acceptance” since back in the good graces of the CDC/FDA. That shot IMO seems to be the one that may get us closer to 70% since it’s one and done. But the pause of it may keep us at 65% instead of 70+
  8. So backstory, my wife’s dad passed away from cancer (pancreatic) at a young age. So I get she’s sensitive to the subject. I like the occasional dip and also smoke the occasional cigar. Typically I buy cigars in bulk (way cheaper). She always gives me shit when I buy it and says “fine enjoy your cancer”. Makes it seem like I smoke a cigar daily, instead it’s usually 2 a month. The cigars I buy I usually only smoke half of them and share the other half with whoever I smoke them with. Fast forward to yesterday we go to a cigar lounge to celebrate her brother moving close to us. She’s ripping those little cigars that look like blunts like they’re going out of style and saying how fun the cigar bar is.
  9. Highly highly highly recommend the shared calendar. My wife would make plans and not tell me until the day of. New rule in our house if it’s not on the calendar I’m not obligated to go if I don’t want to. It’s done wonders. Best part is if I go, I get extra credit and cash that shit in right away.
  10. I grew up in Southlake and most of the Karen's were not actually from Southlake. My vote is for The Woodlands. I met several people from there in college and they're insufferable. Always yelling "h-town" and saying they're from the "hoodlands". Absolute terrible tippers and expected the best service.
  11. Yup. I live in a new-ish development where people typically do the “design build” type of thing. According to the head sales guy, due to lumber costs and labor shortage, the sales team for our builder is limited to 5 new build sales a month.
  12. Cost of chips, goods, etc are skyrocketing. We have to keep raising costs of good to the market to match. Just crazy. On a personal note we’ve been buying new furniture for our house and the lead time has been crazy long.
  13. I’ll start walking around the house looking in random places and make a lot of noise and either a) hope I find it or b) she pipes in with “what ya looking for”. Half the time it ends well.
  14. I’m in the building automation control business, and this is the fun stuff of work, so more of a hobby than “work”.
  15. Buy occupancy based switches, RF smart switches or Phillips Hue bulbs. (I have all 3). Create schedules, etc. Profit. I even taught my wife how to create schedules with the Hue bulbs. I occasionally have to go in and modify it, but either way lights get turned off. I also put a schedule on the thermostat so after she alters the temp and forgets to put it back the schedule takes over.
  16. Try this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Adams_(basketball,_born_1956)
  17. Absolutely love our sleep number. I was a “hit the snooze button 3 times” type of person. Now I wake up before my alarm. I didn’t realize how poorly I was sleeping on my previous mattress. I go to bed later and wake up earlier and feel much more refreshed.
  18. We were in Vegas last week for opening weekend of March Madness. Had dinner at Momofuku one night and Gordon Ramsay Steak the next. Both were absolutely incredible. Also had a couple light lunches at Water Grill in Caesars. Quick in and out for some raw seafood.
  19. Can confirm, at least back in the day. I’ve smashed some waitresses that worked at that location.
  20. Love that place. Go there every time I’m in FTW for Tech/TCU games.
  21. Nope. We were going to wait until Abbott said fuck it. So my wife and I found some “technicalities” to sign up.
  22. My arm is still a little tender after JnJ shot on Sunday, but nothing else. Wife had her JnJ yesterday and had no symptoms 12 hours after, which is better than my experience. I had symptoms within 8 hours ish. She was telling me how she’s tougher than me, her body can handle more, etc. She woke up this morning with a fever, headaches, excessively tired, body aches, etc. Essentially worse symptoms than me. By about 4-5 this afternoon she started feeling more normal. I’m curious if how you react to the vax is an indicator of how your body would handle the actual infection. Any data or info on that?
  23. Had JnJ shot at 2 pm yesterday and had some initial soreness in arm where I got shot. After about an hour, everything felt normal. When I was getting ready to to bed around 11ish, my legs, hips and lower back started getting real sore, felt like the day after an intense workout. Slowly after that other parts of my body started to get sore and I had chills and would then occasionally wake up in a sweat. I probably slept no more than 30 mins straight last night. Now all that remains is a little soreness at injection site and a little stiffness in my lower back. All in all, it was a minor inconvenience.
  24. Checking in. Just got mine 40 mins ago, it was the JnJ one.
  25. CVS opened a ton of appointments this am. They appear to be JnJ.
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