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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TTU13

  1. CVS opened a ton of appointments this am. They appear to be JnJ.
  2. You’re a self admitted fatty, she’ll pass.
  3. Anyone know of a “last minute” appointments for Collin County alert system to take shots that may be wasted? Wife and I are 31, in shape, healthy, etc and don’t want to bend the rules to take an appointment, but also don’t want anything to go to waste. Just poking around I found several openings and only didn’t book because I couldn’t bring myself to check the “meets 1A/1B” box.
  4. Fucking love Bankhead, pre-covid we’d go there almost once a week. We live in Wylie and will definitely be visiting the FW location with the BiL.
  5. The people we guilted into buying one after us all called a couple days after purchase and got their delivery date moved up significantly. Granted, that was prior the the holiday rush (which they may be just now catching up on).
  6. Bought a Sleep Number this weekend, in store it was the most comfortable thing I’ve laid on. Will report back in two weeks when it is delivered.
  7. This. Went there with the BiL recently, thoroughly enjoyed it.
  8. Could it be more Antigen tests are being done that count towards amount of tests done (thus maintaining testing levels) but Texas still not reporting antigen positive tests results? That could explain the discrepancy between cases and hospitalizations.
  9. GTFO of Gattlinburg when you can. Just another tourist trap town. Spend the night at Harrahs in Cherokee then drive to the Biltmore and spend a couple days there.
  10. We had the complete opposite experience on ordering the bike and the delivery date. Ordered it 9/20, showed up 9/26. We live in Wylie. Absolutely love it.
  11. Fucking this. Every three weeks need to hold down the stupid reset button on the ice maker to get the motor cranking again. Every 6 months need to take a hair dryer and melt the ice that builds up around the motor. Of course this all started right after my warranty expired.
  12. Same. The work around is to have Twitter app open and running already then it will redirect properly.
  13. Interesting I have an appointment for Tuesday and they said results in 15 minutes. It’s the finger prick test.
  14. My wife bought some “how to cocktail” book that walks through the “old school” ways of making cocktails. Absolutely amazing. A 600 dollar trip to total wine to stock up (our already overstocked bar) has been worth it. Not only do I get awesome drinks, but she makes them all for me. A nice break from my whiskey drinks and beer from the kegerator. Only downside is I have to keep working out with her 5 days a week.
  15. We did the online form and it took 2 weeks, but they eventually refunded us.
  16. I’m willing to pay for the antibodies tests, but don’t want to piss money down the drain for an inaccurate test. I was in NYC the last week of Jan and then was in KC staying in Overland Park by the hospitals. 9 days after my last day in NYC I had a terrible cough (like never before), exhaustion, chills, a fever and nightly sweats. My wife then had the same and around the same time I had several people in the office get sick and miss several days of work. What was weird, I felt relatively fine during the day but then by 6 or 7 at night cough came back and I was in bed by 9. Also had headaches, which I never get. (I never get hangovers). Never had trouble breathing or felt deathly ill. It’s one of those “oh I’m sure I had it” but who knows. Would just like to know out of curiosity.
  17. Haha no it wasn’t me. She came to visit her brother and my buddy tried to get me to hook up with her. I had another chick I was going to smash coming over to party. The next day, he confessed why he was so adamant on trying to get me to hook up with her.
  18. Here’s a story that was not me: A buddy of mine got a BJ from his friends sister. Soon as he finished she goes “you lasted longer than (insert her brother’s name)”
  19. Not sure if weird or a compliment... I was FwB with these two chicks who were roommates....they would sneak me in late at night. “I want to moan louder than (insert roommates name)” Shortly after they hated each other and one of them moved out. Another one... I coached a little league baseball team and one of the kids had a single mom. One of the players (the one with the single mom) has a sister who was 18 (who I didn’t smash) but I knew had a crush on me. I went to the mom’s place while the grandparents had the kids. During sexy time she goes “my daughter would be sooo jealous”. The mom then went into full on crazy mode and rode me like crazy. ‘‘Twas awesome.
  20. Allegedly, if using a corporate AMEX card you can pay $150 (can’t remember the exact amount) and actually collect the points as well if you get a personal card as well. However, your company accounting department has to pay rather quickly otherwise you lose the points. With the corporate approval process of releasing funds (submitting your expenses through Concur, then your boss approving, then accounting approval process, then releasing funds) the lag time apparently prevents you from collecting your points most of the time. I had a coworker who travels pretty regularly say he tried it one year and barely broke even on it. I never looked into it, since my travel/expenses are usually hard to predict and my boss takes forever to approve expenses. Just figured I’d throw this out there. It all may be a crock shit.
  21. I don’t have anything currently, but my grandma called me last week and told me next time I’m in town to try and drive up (they live in Chicago) and to go through their house and take what I want before anyone else does. I’m looking forward to spending a couple days with my grandparents going through a lot of things they have in boxes that have been hidden away in their crawl space for years. It’ll be cool going through it with them to hear their stories/memories of items.
  22. This.
  23. Starting to slow down a bit, but still comes and stares at me whenever I’m eating. No matter how deep in sleep she was. Also still finds a way to help my wife cheat at darts by shielding the laser line in darts.
  24. My wife and I are meeting my parents and brother in Vegas. Thanksgiving meal will include lots and lots of booze and random food at the private sports area we booked for most of the day followed by attending the Tech basketball game. All in all, should be an awesome holiday.
  25. I was more frustrated by the rate, but either way they weren’t knocking anymore off the price whether we financed through them or not. Which I found was odd, but overall happy with the price we got.
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