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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TTU13

  1. We (see me) were in the market for a new truck. Went on Saturday to a dealership and played the game for a 3.5 hours. Drove 5 different f150’s, did some negotiating on prices for various trim models, etc. Once we got an offer we were good with told them we wanted to sleep on it. Shopped around that price today. Found a dealership that beat that price. Showed up after work to visually inspect it, test drive again, etc. Spent a little time negotiating, discussed cash only price, etc. Ended up 32% off. We tried to lower the price even more if we would finance through them, but they won’t give a good interest rate, so cash payment it is.
  2. This and it shows on your calendar and you have to accept it. I set this up awhile ago for my now wife and I back when we were still dating and she kept “forgetting” to tell me things “we” had planned. Told her once I created the calendar, if she doesn’t put it on there and I don’t accept, I don’t have to go. Magically it’s worked wonders. I’ve put happy hours, hanging out with my buddies, etc on there and she does the same. We even put tasks on there for each other such as calling phone carrier, calling insurance, etc. Its worked wonders on getting shit done and also respecting each other’s time. I’ve told a couple people at work about it when they complain about their wives constantly making them do shit last minute and they implemented it and they absolutely love it. I got my wife so trained on it that she goes in and puts football games, etc on there. I’m a Chicago sports fan and she’s a Dallas sports fan (we root for both cities) so she goes in and tries to schedule things around those games. It’s awesome. If for whatever reason something interferes with a game or something she’ll say I’m optional to attend.
  3. TTU13


    Absolutely love Vancouver. Looking to make it a semi regular destination.
  4. Here’s hoping you weren’t able to find a place.
  5. Bought an instapot as well. So far has worked really well. Bought a couple Apple watches (had to use other people’s accounts). Wife bought some things for the house as well that we’ve been meaning to buy. All in all, got some good deals and made it worth it.
  6. About this time last year on a flight from Pitt to Dallas, shortly before we left the gate, a chick got escorted off the plane for being drunk as fuck and making a scene. The Pitt airport is cheap as fuck to drink at.
  7. I have the same issue with my dog time to time. It’s correlated to how bad the storms are. We have to get real excited when we ask her to go out and then go out with her and slowly walk into the grass. Eventually she’ll follow us. Sometimes we have to pick her up and place her in the middle of the yard. She’ll stand there looking around with one foot raised, then eventually do her thing once she realizes it’s safe and start trotting around the yard like normal. Afterwards we usually give her a treat.
  8. Was talking to the BIL earlier since he was just in the DR a couple weeks ago and he mentioned a couple of them went out for dinner. Only him and another one of them ordered a drink, both got sick. He had one drink at dinner and then said he had an elevated heart rate and felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest. Then spent the next day and a half feeling like he had food poisoning.
  9. This. I’m 29 and my parents took us on several cross country road trips. Every time I see them, we still talk about those trips and make Griswold jokes. Before each trip, we watched the griswold movies. My wife never took these trips and it’s something I’ll take her on (and kids if we have them). Enjoy the trips guys. Definitely worth it.
  10. Hey guys, I’ll be out in Seattle during the twins series and am looking to catch a game. Any recommendations for pregame spots, best places to sit, club options within the ballpark, etc would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Can’t recall if I have posted here or another board before but The OC is a badass tv show.
  12. I bought my wife and I tickets to their show in Dallas....
  13. This. I installed motion sensors in rooms she leaves the lights on in. Currently working on installing plugs on lamps she leaves on that I can turn off via app and schedule them to sweep off at certain times.
  14. My plumber told me I was dumb for using tap water for my dog. I told him my dog licks her own butthole. He was not amused.
  15. Yeah, the miller tour is alright, they do give you a good amount of free beer at the end though. New Glaurus (where spotted cow is brewed) is incredible. Well worth the drive to check out the views, granted like mentioned above you’ll have to do it when warm out.
  16. Also, if you’re golfing at Erin Hills, there’s a cool restaurant out there called Fox and Hound. It’s off the beaten path, but a really cool place.
  17. Forgot to mention something about the market. Go to the seafood place, sit at the bar and enjoy oysters and schlitz beer. There’s also a really good cheese shop/bar right across from what was the Bradley center. So it’s roughly across the street from the new arena. If I remember correctly, it’s on the same block as the braut place mentioned above.
  18. That makes sense. Just noticed him wearing a WV hat the episode I just watched and connected the dots.
  19. Half of Hartman’s teammates look like 8 year olds.
  20. Check out the Market as mentioned above, Lakefront Brewery is really cool. There’s some bars/restaurants/breweries in the 5th Ward. They have several bars/breweries along the river. There’s a booze cruise that will go up and down the river stopping at various places. You can’t go wrong with ordering fried cheese curds everywhere you go.
  21. We travel a lot and often come across pockets with little to no cell phone service. My wife thought she could enable the hot spot on my phone to get wifi on hers. She straight up believed that enabling the hot spot, when no cell service is available, automatically “gets internet”. It took several different attempts to explain how it truly works.
  22. This. Worst case, he sucks and you fire him in two years and your still the same usual Arizona Cardinals. Let him draw up plays, mentor your young QB and then hire someone that teaches discipline on defense and keep the fuck away from that side of the ball. He doesn’t have to worry about recruiting and flirting with moms anymore, more time to draw up plays.
  23. We use the Niagara JACEs for our big networked jobs at work and one of my coworkers took one home and uses it to control his chicken feeder and other things in his chicken coop, among other things at his house. As far as switches, I’m installing RF switches that can tie back to the hub and also control my shades as well as take commands from Alexa.
  24. I should have gotten into coaching, damn. She’s pure smoke.
  25. What are the dimensions of the circular ones?
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