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Serak The Preparer

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  1. I believe that after transfer DT cycle, @Helobious didn't need his training implement anymore.
  2. That's nothing. As of now, all 30 teams in the NBA are on some kind of streak. Some of those streaks just begin with a L.
  3. For once I gotta agree with fm. After all who doesn't remember making big their first sports play?
  4. Wait, do you think a thesaurus is a book of words that sound similar?
  5. Your / you're sure, less / fewer I get, even lose / loose. But motherfucking threw?
  6. Negged for linking to a Stephen A Smith clip.
  7. Asking the checkout person "Does this mean it's free?" when an item doesn't scan is lame and stupid. Telling the waiter "I hated it" when they take your empty plates back is lame and stupid. Sexual assault is a bit more.
  8. L-O-Fucking-L if you really believe that the reason every company in the world wants you to install their app is so that they can create a better UX. Nothing to do with creating captive audience or sucking up and reselling data. After working in tech you really believe that every app is better than a website? I shudder to think of what a wreck your iPhone must be.
  9. The problem is it sounds great but makes no sense. What does "take some of the chemicals out of our food supply" mean? Water is a chemical. Starch is a chemical. Manure as a fertilizer is a chemical (or a mix of chemicals really). If you want to discuss specific chemicals to take out then great, I'm all for it, but I haven't seen anything like that from him. It's just using chemical as a scary word to push through whatever pseudoscience he wants to push (and make money off of).
  10. Jesus, getting a little personal aren't we?
  11. Shit this is going to cause real problems over playing time concerns with the current DL, wonder if we should have passed. /satyanash
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