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Serak The Preparer

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Everything posted by Serak The Preparer

  1. The same reason that some posters think that going full throat in support of Israel is not CR but suggesting there may be nuance is pure CR and should not be discussed in DT. It's not political if it enforces status quo, despite of course that the status quo is in place because of generations of political beliefs.
  2. Fuck you not for the content but for such a low effort troll. For fuck's sake, futureman tries harder.
  3. Everyone always sleeps on the theme for The Cowboys. Makes Superman sound like Pooperman.
  4. The very core of Texas is built on a pile of hate and bullshit unlike any other state. The "rugged individualism" that is the root of Texas pride is just a vehicle for the in-group to shit upon the out-group. Nobody can succeed as a lone individual any state - that's why we have public roads, bridges, fire stations, etc., but in Texan culture those benefits have to be "earned" by those with resources. Rather than support public resources that go out according to actual need, it is apportioned on a select bases by individuals. That's awesome if you're white, straight, pretty, and Christian (and the right kind of Christian at that). If not, you are kindly fucked. Of course there are awesome Texans, great and caring people who are swimming upstream to help others. But the core is rotten and will not change until Texans examine what it actually means to be Texan and why place of birth makes one exceptional. I was born and raised in Texas, and when I left 30 years ago I always assumed I'd be back but now it's one of the bottom-tier states. If I had to decide between Mississippi and Texas I honestly don't know what I'd choose. At least Mississippi knows it's a piece of shit state.
  5. If you are only including academic science journals (e.g., excluding Scientific American, Nat Geo, Popular Mechanics, etc.) then I doubt 5% of the US population (or 5% of adult US population even) has ever read a single article in a given year. It's a pretty small population who even has/had access to most journals, let alone the ability to go through methodology, analysis, etc. Without trying to do more rigorous analysis I would suspect that the percent of the population that has read a journal article / year has not changed significantly over the last century or so. Now if you broaden to the popular magazines mentioned earlier, undoubtedly there is less readership than there used to be. This is problematic for a number of reasons, but science reporting has never been particularly good, at least in my lifetime.
  6. @Anastasis and @bschoolprof - thanks for the context. I am not in science or academia but have exposure to that through family, disappointing that Cell is just repackaging existing work.
  7. This obviously isn't going to close the book on study into COVID-19 origin but just saw that a paper was published in Cell (a very high quality journal) that supports origin of spread from the meat market. Very importantly, the paper does not state the the market actually is the source. From a Nature release on the paper: "The study establishes the presence of animals and the virus at the market, although it does not confirm whether the animals themselves were infected with the virus." I haven't read the paper because even if I did I wouldn't have a clue how to interpret / critique methodology or analysis but figured worth sharing.
  8. So to sum up @Rex Kramer's and @MagicSoccerSpray's recent posts: Supporting Palestine as a state - biased (and CR) Suggesting that the US shouldn't support either - biased (and CR) Supporting continued US funding of Israel - not biased (and totally not CR)
  9. It makes me really wonder how Trump feels about the seedy payday loan industry.
  10. Hell, even if I knew at the time that Biden was going to drop out, I still would have thought Trump runs away with it. There was so much risk with infighting, lack of party unity, and just general Democratic incompetence that it truly feels like a miracle that Biden's withdrawal didn't lead to even more support for Trump.
  11. Major combination of lol and flashback rage at seeing the blatant holds not called. Fucking Big XIi refs.
  12. Because he seizes it and she doesn't. Not saying she is right to or wrong to, but she doesn't spew like Trump does ans the moderators aren't cutting mics.
  13. I think she should have stayed away from Charlotsville. He will just reference snopes, which itself was bullshit and had @HRSchenker and others buying into his bullshit denial.
  14. I too like to put myself to sing, all satisfied. Sometimes 2-3 times in a day to be honest.
  15. In this case I think the codes link to OSU general athletic fund so legally, wouldn't that be okay? And don't tell me that Ohio State wouldn't get butt hurt about mocking the sticker system (and yes I know that they're not the only school that does it, just the most obnoxious), which is just added bonus.
  16. Not gonna lie, I would absolutely love it as a microcosm of modern technology and monetization of football if Gundy added multiple QR codes like Buckeyes on Ohio State.
  17. That's too bad, because as the famous saying goes, you can't farm there anymore.
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