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Serak The Preparer

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Everything posted by Serak The Preparer

  1. Two things can be true. Draymond is clearly a very smart and athletic defender. He also commits a lot of fouls that aren't called, in large part because he is so smart. Just like Maddox used to get any questionable pitch (and a fair amount of unquestionable pitches) called a strike due to earned reputation for control, Draymond more than gets the benefit of the doubt. When you are not a Warriors fan that gets pretty fucking irritating.
  2. So you went through the effort of starting a post and linking a news article without reading the first paragraph of the article you are linking to (or even reading the URL)? "FOLLOWING the death of a 16-year-old boy – who was shot dead in Chicago – police made two arrests after reports of an active shooter left two wounded." I'm pretty sure it's not over the Buffalo massacre.
  3. Have to agree. I certainly don't miss @Onboard 2.0 at all but his suspension that led to his tantrum was similarly capricious. Now there are certainly some that literally only come in to this forum to troll and avoid discussion (e.g. clapclap. caponeta) but for all his shitiness Sack will actually occasionally respond. I'm also not sure he gets more personal than others do to him.
  4. You mean losing a race to closetojumping another surly poster?
  5. Ah yes - the "I'm reasonable and I think this, therefore reasonable people think this" approach. Just because you (or even necessarily the majority of people) think something does not make it reasonable.
  6. Hmm, ask Cisco why they grew so quickly in 5G and networking equipment. I don't think 9-9-6 will be the first response.
  7. Or eating lunchmeat (listeria risk), unpasteurized milk, etc. If we put a little effort into we could really create the perfect environment for developing fetus, mother be damned. Of course once it's out, good luck little fella - you're gonna need it.
  8. I think part of it is also like a formal strike / warning. Yes he can likely get in to a game either at Dallas or somewhere else, but if he's caught then he is formally trespassing and can have charges brought to him (no lawyer).
  9. Narrator: they did send over the smartest guy they got.
  10. Hah, he didn't specify MLB ballparks. Bringing in minors makes it at least possible, but extending it to little league makes it a little tougher.
  11. Zeus is legit special, like in the vaccines help 5g reception kinda way. So yes, lots of help needed.
  12. You should have parlayed that for a chance at some real money.
  13. Huh, I always thought the phrase was about a blimp in the air, not about a large water mammal. I guess I've never read much about it or seen a doc or anything outside of the footage of it.
  14. I don't think lsufreek needs to worry about any new competition but couldn't resist:
  15. No, it isn't designed to injure, grieve, or afflict, no more than any legislative action ever passed. Seriously, other than naming random days / months "National XX Day", give a piece of legislature that doesn't have winners or losers. If you want to water down a word that much then it's obviously up to you but it makes you look, well, aggy.
  16. Good grief, do you regularly start speeches with "According to Webster..."? And if you do, do you even read the understand the words you use? 1: to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief 2: to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (such as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : PESTER If you want to try and be literal and claim we are persecuting Bezos, etc., please explain how anything in this thread is either designed to injure, grieve, or afflict, or annoy with persistent or urgent approaches. If the claim is that raising task rates is designed to injure, grieve, or afflict then the word can be applied to virtually any action ever taken given that there are winners and losers in every transaction. Aggie education indeed.
  17. Umm, has anyone PM'ed Derka about this?
  18. @Johnny Sack being concerned with things like "truth" or "accuracy":
  19. He self-booted. There is discussion in the Gone Posters thread but request came from him, not immamac going postal.
  20. That's where I am, especially with combination of both CP3 and the Suns lacking any hardware. If he played for the Lakers, Celtics, (especially the Spurs ) then it'd be easier to hate but it just feels right for this to be the year for the Suns / CP3.
  21. This is where Lobo will be missed most. He was always good for explaining exactly how much coke was consumed in any given DT Jr video.
  22. What this post presupposes is that none of us fools are on the jury, so maybe it didn't work?
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