Because I am a giant dork and like playing with spreadsheets, I've made a public Google Sheets doc to simplify entry and result monitoring. I believe I have everyone's entry entered, at least as of this post, with two caveats:
1) I only am tracking by user name, so for those users who have submitted multiple brackets they are just listed under a single user name. If that user wins, up to them to allocate correctly.
2) I didn't bother tracking tie-breaker. In case that is relevant @Wulaw Horn or @Scipio can determine that by just looking at this thread.
Here is a link to the document: Surly 2022 March Madness - Free Money Contest
Right now the only fields that should be editable are the username and teams fields (columns B and C on the "Enter Picks Here" tab - please feel free to double-check that there was no error in entry. I had to clean the data some to make sure team names were consistent and it's always possible an error crept in. Also ignore the results that are already in - that was just for testing purposes, I'll clear that Thursday morning. At that point I'll also lock down the user entry fields. @Wulaw Horn can then easily post the top performing teams as well as teams with most potential points.