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Serak The Preparer

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Everything posted by Serak The Preparer

  1. It's even better when the idiots somehow think this makes them look better. @Zeus and @Enchubben: This guy who is an idiot and a moron and is wrong about everything agrees with me. That must mean that he suddenly became super smart! There is no other possible explanation for why he agrees with super-smart me on this position!
  2. I wise man once told me "If you choose not to decide you have still made a choice". The decision not to tax non-profits the same way that other properties / businesses are taxed is inherently favoring non-profits (religious or otherwise). This may or may not be good, that is a separate discussion, but all decisions on tax (high, low, or non-applicable) are driven by incentivizing behavior.
  3. I have never seen anything to indicate that AI wasn't a sharp dude. The controversy around the bowling alley fight is the only real controversy involved around AI. There was the practice press conference and his role in dress / appearance but not quite sure where you are going when suggesting that it's a "miracle" he made good financial decisions.
  4. I can't quite put my finger on it but suddenly I'm not so worried about A&M anymore.
  5. I sorta get where you are coming from, as in I do appreciate all of Harden's efforts while he was in Houston and don't begrudge him for wanting a change in scenery. That said, he also has (seemingly) taken no responsibility for any of the moves that Houston made to keep him happy. There were definitely some "win now" moves that didn't pan out in terms of a title, but that came at least in part at Harden's behest. Did the Paul trade come without his input? The Westbrook trade? Also, again, I get that he wanted to be somewhere else but he left in a spectacularly shitty fashion. I've had team members leave with lots of notice and team members leave with no notice / shitty effort on the way out. There are definitely some I wish success for more than others. I am not rooting against the Nets / Harden, but I sure as hell am not going to be upset if they go out early (injury or no injury, those are part of basketball).
  6. I'm pretty sure I went to college in your hometown, but not sure of the overlap. I would go with Lee's Fried Chicken, Kyoto, Alex's, Johnny Smokestack, then Wendy's. Still sad but true.
  7. It is absolutely stunning that a poster who doesn't understand the difference between a news article and an opinion piece / letter to the editor also doesn't understand that Hayden didn't confirm that you weren't Icono. He did not that you have a different IP, but also noted that this information is becoming more and more meaningless as connectivity changes.
  8. Think tailored jerseys, crystal meth, shooting people with rubber bullets for fun, and an extreme fetish for Tucker.
  9. While I certainly understand some of your surprise, I hope you also realize that you are posting this on the 3rd iteration (I think?) of a website founded on watching young men play a game, which itself was spun off another site devoted to watching these same young men playing a game. Football is different for us because that's what we watched / played growing up but there's nothing fundamentally different about watching people play video games.
  10. Sorry we can't all reach your level of original and nuanced thoughts.
  11. Bad form attacking the looks of a poster's wife.
  12. Tim is clearly one of the all-time greats, but I was under the impression that even Spurs homered recognized how surprised he was every single time he drew a foul. This is his iconic image to me:
  13. For fuck's sake - keep this shit in the cloak room where it belongs!
  14. Hey, it's just his way of showing love for the folks back home.
  15. I too struggle to understand how anybody voted for Trump over (checks notes) a third Obama term?
  16. Surprised that nobody has mentioned Arcade Fire's Funeral, especially given the Austin connection.
  17. I disagree with the month, but not the two. I just got my first shot last week, so I am five weeks out from the 2nd shot + 2 week "safety" period. Given that there are still people just now able to get their first shot, I think it is unfair to assume that anybody who wants to be vaccinated will be vaccinated for another 7-8 weeks. Nice thing is that ramps perfectly to July 4th. I think that becomes, at least unofficially, return to normal day for a lot of people.
  18. Oh shit, @ztejas is gonna go apeshit at you for CR'ing the basketball forum, seeing as how whether or not it's ok to fuck a 13 yr old can become a pretty heated discussion.
  19. I think LBJ's tweet sucked and he should have acknowledged that rather than simply deleted but calling his tweet doxxing is disingenuous. Implicit in that definition is the revealing of information that is otherwise unknown. If he posted the officer's address, phone number, etc., then yes that doxxing. But publishing his picture (when it had already been released by Colombus PD) is not furnishing new information, anymore than talking about Milana Vayntrub in IPIHB is doxxing her.
  20. I know it's a bit late but I was just catching up and noticed that wiki is missing the actual text of McKinney's letter he wrote afterwards. It is important to capture these crucial moments in Agro-american history. Commandancy of Section 15 Jones Stadium, Nov. 3rd 2001 To the People of College Station & all Agro-americans in the world -- Fellow farmers & 12th men -- I am besieged by a thousand or more of the Techsicans under Leach -- I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 60 minutes & have only given up 12 points -- The enemy demanded passage out of the stadium, otherwise, the fans are to be put to the goalpost, if the section is taken -- I have answered the demand with binoculars, & we are still humping it proudly from the walls -- I shall never surrender, or go to my car. Then, I call on you in the name of RC, of Reville & everything dear to the aggie character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch -- The enemy is receiving reinforcements every hour & will no increase to three or four thousand before they decide to go get some dinner and something to drink. If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain as long as possible & then run to the newspapers and tell them I work for the governor. Victory or Shreveport! William Barret McKinney Chf. Gomer, Comdt.
  21. It could be, it was just so funny to me that you didn't even leave your rep to yourself on a post with other rep to hide it. It was all by it's lonesome self. I actually respect that.
  22. That's a nice deep cut - haven't listened to Bona Drag in maybe a decade but still ring a bell.
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