I think one of the major disconnects is that you, like half this board, are a lawyer. You can distinguish someone saying something in a legal manner (or portraying themselves as acting in a legal manner) vs doing something in a legal manner. If you were the target of something frivolous you may still want to consult a friend or go back to your class notes (or equivalent) but you can unburden yourself with relatively little effort. Others can't. I'm a reasonably smart guy and if I was the target of something anywhere on the spectrum of a legal threat, I would be freaked out. I would need to pay a lawyer. I would lose sleep. Even if clearly bullshit and actionable, I would have a big cost.
I am not suggesting you fix this matter, I agree that it is not trivial and that there are clearly 1st amendment issues. But I also think that you have big blinders on with regards to your knowledge of not just the law, but how to interact with entire legal / judicial system, that most people don't. As a matter of evidence, I submit your LARPing comment. I think I did that right, I watched some Night Court reruns last night.