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Serak The Preparer

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Everything posted by Serak The Preparer

  1. When you say 200 columns, do you mean you have Stat 1, Stat 2, ..., Stat 200 for example? So that in your actual data set you are trying to figure out which Stat is the largest for a given city/year?
  2. Agreed, but if I am having a conversation at work and say "boy, loudmouthed black people sure are annoying" I expect to have a pretty short conversation with HR, followed by period of unemployment. I know you are not trying to imply otherwise, but not a great post by a poster who is otherwise pretty solid (UCLA takes not included).
  3. Interesting that this "less than 1% of the money goes to where it really needs to go" is ok and not socialism when it aligns with a cause you agree with. Now let's do this with literally every other form of spending that Republicans are against.
  4. I can only imagine the rage @JohnLocke must feel about FEMA and the SBA providing monetary assistance, food, water, and shelter to Texas as a result of the winter storm. I can't imagine a more clear-cut recent example of fiscal irresponsibility, and here you damn Texans are getting bailed out with my tax dollars!
  5. I think it should be Nash. Can you imagine the sound of heads exploding across the country?
  6. From the guy who pasted that the economy was "basically back to pre Covid" in November, this is a pretty funny statement.
  7. Is it your contention that nobody is offended by tEOT? This all just a supposition? I suspect that the vast majority of people posting in this tread recognize that at least some players and non-players are offended by the song. Whether people believe tEOT should be removed or not is clearly a debate, but I don't think people are worried about who "might" be offended. Using passive language in this instance is a way of diminishing the actual observations and feelings of actual people.
  8. This is bullshit and passive language. First, the word "cancel" itself is stupid because it means everything and nothing at the same time. Second, it's not about what someone "might" find offensive. It's about what some people do find offensive. If you don't care about that, fine, that's certainly your right, but at least recognize that instead of couching in "mights" and "what ifs".
  9. The common theory is that she didn't testify because she lied or was worried about perjury. What this post presupposes is that many sexual abuse victims do not want to testify for a number of reasons (not wanting to relive experience, worried about disbelief), and that the large amount of publicity around the trial, compounded with the fame and power imbalance between her and Kobe, would only have made these reasons stronger. Oh, and Kobe also freaking released a press release saying "Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did." I think your recollection is a bit spotty.
  10. At time of this reply, 12 rep over the 7 different "flavors" of rep. Don't know that I've seen such a nice distribution. Well done Hank.
  11. Thanks - didn't realize you were monetizing the CR separately.
  12. Que? Not sure if I am missing something or you had a typo but if you don't load ads for registered users, what is the impact of registered users in cloak room?
  13. This is a big winner for me. The video (also unlike anything else) would qualify this alone but I really can't think of an analogue for Wuthering Hights.
  14. That is such an old and tired joke, but damn if I don't giggle every single time. For some reason it is the perfect crystallization of sucking and not even fun.
  15. So any particular reason then that you are linking to the Times and saying your link is from the Post? That may explain some of the reactions that you got.
  16. So just to be clear, do you know that the Washington Post and the Washington Times are different newspapers?
  17. Stanco isn't embarrassed, and he isn't going to go @NowThis. What you don't realize is that @markstanco thinks he won. He dropped a bomb, showed us libtards how dumb we are, and now he is moving on. He has done this multiple times, including a great one (I think in one of the many Trump threads) where he explicitly puffed his chest out and dared anyone to respond. When people did he completely ignored it and again claimed victory over in DT. The only thing left is for him to drop in thread in Board Discussion explaining how he is done with the CR, but that takes a lack of self-awareness that only the truly vapid Ohioans can reach.
  18. You have an implicit assumption that the generation companies chased after subsidies INSTEAD budgeting for plain maintenance and winterizing. Why is that? We already know (and more importantly THEY know) that nobody was going to make them winterize, and doing so would cost them money. I have seen no evidence that even your indirect role is valid. If I have a choice of either dumping my oil in the grass (with no consequence) or dumping my oil in the grass (with no consequence) and also getting $10, taking the second choice doesn't mean that the $10 led to oil in my front yard.
  19. How many times would you guess you've posted about the political motivations and behavior of black churches? How many have you been to?
  20. Given that I literally said I was not even trying to hint that he made the wrong choice, I struggle to understand how both of you are misrepresenting my comments so much. I am not say he did the wrong thing. Not saying the prankster didn't initiate the events that led to his death. I haven't seen any video so I don't know exactly how things went down, but it certainly looks about as textbook self defense as you can get. I just think people should (in general) recognize that they make decisions, not "have" to do things. Is it pedantic? Sure as shit, yes, but it is akin to police reports saying "the weapon discharged". No motherfucker, you fired it. Now it may or may not have been a good decision, but it wasn't something from on high that happened.
  21. @washparkhorn - is this some weird Katfid thing I don't know about? All British bands are the same?
  22. This may seem like pedantic quibble, but he didn't "have" to kill the prankster. He made the choice. I am not at all trying to imply that he made the wrong choice, or that I would have chosen differently, and completely agree that it sucks for the shooter that he'll have to live with this. But just like I tell my kids all the f'ing time, nobody HAS to do anything - make a choice and accept the consequences.
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