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Serak The Preparer

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Everything posted by Serak The Preparer

  1. Sorry @Deej, I couldn't resist giving the new 8-rep cycle. I'll offset on other posts.
  2. They would have to. Otherwise the "new" #1 is still going to say they were screwed. it causes more problems than it solves. I think we are in agreement that FSU should be #4 (assuming they are in) and manufacturing any way to have them at #3 is more convoluted than the committee just saying "based on combination of record, H2H, and current strength".
  3. I thought about that but then that's even messier because the committee has to publicly say "we think Michigan is the real #1 but we felt forced to have FSU as #3 and didn't want to penalize Michigan, so we also swapped Michigan and Washington". It's much cleaner to just have FSU at #4 which accomplishes the same thing without unnecessary #1 / #2 swaps.
  4. This. I don't see any way the committee has FSU in at #3. They/bama are at #4. Putting FSU in a #3 is a real screw job to the #1 seed and I just can't see the committee doing that.
  5. This makes no sense. If the committee wants to send a message about OOC games then it's Texas and FSU. FSU won OOC games against both Florida and LSU. Texas won OOC game against Alabama. I am not sure if you are aware of this, but Alabama lost their big OOC game. You shouldn't get credit for a big OOC game if you lose at home by double digits. I do obviously agree that Alabama is better than FSU w/o Travis but it's not because OOC games matter.
  6. The dumbest predictions in this thread or Twitter are ones that have FSU as 3 seed. If the committee puts them in (and I suspect they will but who knows) they sure as shit aren't going to give Michigan a tough game as a reward for being 1 seed while gifting WSU a virtual bye. FSU will be 4 seed or not in.
  7. In the great tradition of making a joke funny by explaining it, was making fun of closetohumping for reposting transfer tweets that he saw online. The joke being that the only possible way to have seen this was in this very thread. There, now I made it funny.
  8. I assumed it was more of a "dying from laughter" kinda thing than "dying from impact". You can't tell me that isn't a risk.
  9. Did Axiom of Foundation get banned? I don't recall seeing other than mockery of his ontology post but he is a Guest now?
  10. Why? He's only saying this as a way to justify putting Georgia in if they lose. He is not saying this to support Texas going in.
  11. It's also worth noticing that in both systems the SEC lead over Big 12 and Pac-12 is less than the gap between Big 10 and ACC. The SEC is still the strongest strength of schedule but I strongly suspect that the gap between #1 and #2 is less than the average over the last 10 seasons.
  12. Stop it. You don't know. Nobody knows until the committee announces it in that case. The SEC is down this year and you'd be asking the committee to ignore Head-to-head. They might, of course, but stating it like a fact is silly.
  13. I'm not sure why you keep bringing up Pac 12 title game as if it is relevant. Even if Oregon wins, your own example shows Texas / Oregon only going in 1% of time. I agree that there is a sliver of a chance that Texas passes Oregon but it seems pretty damn low to me. The two realistic games that matter (assuming Texas wins of course) are ACC and SEC title games. Anyone who states conclusively what will happen if Alabama wins is a fool but I do think there is a >50% chance that Texas goes in over Alabama.
  14. I think (hope) he was just commenting on the many references in the image, which I did find kind of funny.
  15. I dont know if anyone plays Connections on the NY Times Games site but if so, the purple category is missing an obvious answer.
  16. Come on, do we have to do all the thinking around here? You follow him into the locker room, pull the Cell-Phone Flop Out, and tell him "Hey, buddy, niiiiiiiiice cock".
  17. I believe that he was absolutely vindicated against one woman accusing him of violent sexual acts (the decision from a month ago). He has also faced accusations against at least three other women. As far as I know none of the other accusations have made it to court. Also as far as I know he has not denied the rough encounters took place, just that they were consensual. I have not committed these details to memory so I could be off, just my recollections. Just my opinion but if someone I knew got off on rough sex leaving bruising and lacerations, even if consensual, I would think it was pretty damn skeevy. I don't know if I would call that person a scumbag but would certainly have a negative impression of him/her.
  18. Yeah, super weird. I can't imagine living in a country there the leader embraces the head of a former adversary, leading to a substantial change in how the leader's supporters view that adversary, potentially even leading to supportimg that adversary in invading an ally. What a weird world that would be!
  19. Under the mattress. It'll never be found, it's perfect! /me as a 13 year old deciding where to hide my Penthouse magazine. I would not have received the $10,000.
  20. FIFY. There are asshole atheists, asshole Christians, asshole Jews, etc. It's what brings us all together.
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