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Orange Marrow

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  1. Yep, that's the name I recall from my search.
  2. I hope this is the right place to post this. Can anyone recommend a lender for a one-time close VA construction loan? Apparently lenders for these loans are something akin to unicorns. I own the land where I intend to build, in Parker county on the west side of Fort Worth heading toward Aledo. I've found my builder, now just need to find a lender. I thought I was relatively proficient with internet searches, but the only place I found that definitely does these loans also runs AgRewards...eww. Thanks in advance.
  3. He's not the first person to make that mistake. Damn straight...'Merica!
  4. Amidst the "racist Daniel Figurelli" mocking, one response clearly verifies the poster as a graduate of Texum bulldog SEC aggy university of collie station. "Metrics" of firing him, indeed. aggy gonna aggy.
  5. That's a win, of sorts. As CoS, she's close enough that he can keep an eye on her. And assigning her "no major responsibilities" limits the damage she can do on her way out to pasture. I'll take it.
  6. Helton doesn't strike me as the ruckus type. Kerfluffles and donnybrooks seem more his style.
  7. Wait, so this guy basically self-doxed? aggy gonna aggy. We should probably do the noble thing up front and set some ground rules, like leaving his wife and kids out of the conversation. Probably shouldn't target his co-workers either, i.e., any insinuations that his daughter looks more like his "hard-working colleague" than she does his wife (por que no los dos?) would be considered poor form. The fact that he's apparently into nepotism would be fair game, though. Wait, who am I kidding? A surly by any other name would still shag as sweet. Have at thee.
  8. This guy know his stuff. https://mobile.twitter.com/THENATUREBOY1/status/1074146696291061765 Who could forget Von tearing it up in the SEC? Seems like it was just yesterday that he was terrorizing Bama and LSU....
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