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  1. In terms of actually being on the field, not very many.
  2. Remember when Tom Herman’s staff compared Hudson Card to Aaron Rodgers? That’s all I’ve got on Purdue football.
  3. Keef


    Well, my favorite team is the Cowboys, and after all his asshatery and sideline antics yesterday, I actually do wish that on him.
  4. Keef


    We should change the thread title from Bert! to Bert...
  5. All of our problems are coming home to roost lol
  6. Apparently the landing gear failed to deploy in the Korean crash. All died save for two.
  7. This is the one that the Sooner insiders actually liked.
  8. The important thing to remember aggies is that you were one win away from the SEC championship game. Nothing to see here.
  9. Shoutout to the aggy that referred to Elko as the Maroon Grimace hahaha
  10. Keef

    Bill Norton

    Roy Miller was a third rounder?
  11. Richard Doty is literally a government disinformation agent. That is his profession. I understand that he has changed, turned over a new leaf, maybe was lying in the past but definitely is not lying now, etc. but you should treat everything Richard Doty says with an enormous amount of skepticism. I personally don't believe a single thing he says. Hey @Brisketexan and @956 Worldwide - we're on the same team for once!
  12. The bye is obviously an advantage, but we had 2 weeks to rest before the Clemson game and 1.5 feels before ASU. I wonder if ASU will come out cold after so much time off.
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