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Everything posted by Keef

  1. I mean, I won't argue with you that we (along with most humans) are racist, awful shitbags, but no one reported deaths from the Spanish Flu because WWI was going on. Spain didn't participate and thus had no reason to hide deaths - hence they got blamed.
  2. Well, yeah. He inherited a huge fucking mess from GWB. Similar to Biden. Remember, Trump wanted interest rates to go negative for a while. I think you can debate whether Trump is responsible for COVID's impact on the economy, but he is absolutely responsible for not raising interest rates late in his presidency.
  3. I have a couple of uncles that defend their need for absurdly over the top weaponry as necessary "in case we need to overthrow the government". What a bunch of stupid bullshit. We crossed the rubicon decades ago on any sort of civilian uprising having any potential impact. They would drone strike you in about five minutes by geolocating your Farmville logins. The feds won't even need to access the tracking chips they implanted with the COVID vaccines.
  4. Anything that isn’t Houston is outside Houston.
  5. Keef

    The Supremes

    We also need more judges. It's crazy that you can have a situation where one judge (RBG) kicks the bucket and so many entrenched civil liberties are threatened. If you triple the number of judges, you reduce the impact of one person leaving.
  6. Her crossfit trainer while married (#christianvalues), allegedly
  7. This will only make him more popular.
  8. This. And driving on the left side isn't bad on the highway, but the things that always threw me off were: (i) driving in the SUPER narrow country roads in the UK and in London neighborhoods; (ii) getting used to gauging distance on how close the opposite side of your car is when passing other cars (it's scary the first couple of times you drive past a fast-moving car on a two lane road going the opposite direction); (iii) remembering that the turn lanes function differently; and (iv) remembering that the fast lane on the highways is reversed. I'd also try calling Amex travel - they're usually great with this sort of thing.
  9. Keef


    Any chance there are any Surly regulars that live in Barcelona or near it?
  10. We have dramatically divergent opinions of the US government.
  11. Some people won't be convinced if Biden held a press conference on the White House lawn and announced they were real. It is what it is.
  12. I saw where the officer in question doesn't have footage of the incident because his body cam was turned off. Convenient.
  13. I also find Kandahar to be severely underrated as a city.
  14. The most surprising thing in the last couple of pages is that there is apparently vegan food now in Milwaukee
  15. Keef

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    Some of you need to inspect that tweet a bit more.
  16. It does if the problem is something heavy on your foot.
  17. Right, but if you can't solicit customers (often defined to include prospective or even likely customers), employees, or consultants, and you are prohibited from using confidential information you learned in your old job in any way (with confidential information typically being defined broad enough to encompass anything under the sun), how is that practically speaking different than a non-compete? And sure, maybe some portion isn't enforceable, but do you really want a lawsuit with your former employer on your record if you're an executive? Plus, a lot of companies - especially PE backed ones - have language in their equity award agreements that if you violate any restrictive covenants post-termination, they can clawback their equity and sometimes even past proceeds. Many states permit the equity clawback under the argument that isn't prohibiting you from competing - it is merely taking back some contingent compensation you were paid in the past. See how this gets murky quickly?
  18. Yeah, we work in different industries. For tech companies and most PE back companies, they care about this a ton.
  19. It's still a practical problem. Every competently drafted offer letter in the world has language where you're required to disclose any restrictive covenants that you're subject to. Once disclosed, you have to convince your new employer that whatever restrictive covenants you have in place aren't enforceable and the old company won't sue you and them in order to try and enforce it.
  20. This is going to get held up in court for years and employers and are going to do what they what they are already do in California - make the non solicit and confidentiality provisions in the employment contract operate suspiciously like a non compete and dare the employees to sue.
  21. Venables looks more like a mutil level marketing executive with each passing day.
  22. Shout out to Juror 4 and Alternate 2 for living my dream and successfully avoiding all news.
  23. This looks even worse than not responding. I mean, I'm happy Israel didn't do something over the top, but what's the point you're making by sending a few drones into the desert?
  24. Bibi couldn't just take the W
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