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Everything posted by Keef

  1. Putting aside all of the utterly repugnant things he's done and said over the years, it's hard for anyone to take seriously the position that he's really just a swell guy when pretty much everyone who worked closely with him hates him. Kelly just called him a fascist and Rogan himself refused to interview him for years. We ignore his tweets at this point, but they're bat shit insane, and he's done more to radicalize the political discourse in this country than anyone ever. But I'm sure the convicted sex offender can really be quite charming in limited doses, and Stephen Miller still likes him, so I suppose that counts for something in the white nationalist circles.
  2. It's getting released with his healthcare plan.
  3. Of course. Feel free to DM me with any questions while you're in town.
  4. +1 on the Pharmacy. It's just a great spot all around. East Nashville has very East Austin vibes.
  5. Pancake Pantry is great, but the lines will be nuts. There are many Instagramable brunch places in Hillsboro Village and 12 South that will be good. Frankly, you could just walk around and find whatever you prefer in either neighborhood. If you're looking for something more chill, I'd recommend Dose Coffee or Bongo Java (the coffee is better at the former). If you have time, Monell's is absolutely amazing as well.
  6. I don't live there now, but I'm a long time Nashville resident. It's a great town. Happy to answer any questions.
  7. Sure, here are some that are directly on point. Other governments - much like our own - are of course taking this seriously. https://www.narcap.de/dokumente/COMETA-Report-englisch.pdf (this is the COMETA report from France) https://vocal.media/futurism/the-tehran-ufo-incident (Tehran UFO event) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgian_UFO_wave (Belgium) https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1987/01/02/ufo-sighting-confirmed-by-faa-air-force-radar/c186c4b7-54ed-459e-b94d-eeeff7b3322e/ (Japanese Airline) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shag_Harbour_UFO_incident (Canadian case) https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/it-definitely-happened-westall-ufo-witnesses-want-answers-to-decades-long-mystery-20240406-p5fhvz.html (Australian case)
  8. Here is a small selection, covering only English news sources, public and unclassified programs, and only governments or government officials I knew off the top of my head. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/weird-news/former-israeli-space-security-chief-says-extraterrestrials-exist-trump-knows-n1250333 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Hellyer https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ufo-investigation-japan-us-says-region-hotspot-uap-sightings/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COMETA_report https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_Tehran_UFO_incident https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/27/peru-ufo-investigations-office-reopening https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/14/mexico-legislators-hold-hearing-on-existence-of-ufos-shown-alien-bodies https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/ufos/australia/A9755_22_3533575.pdf https://tass.com/russia/1463895 https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/09/06/ufo-brazil-documents-classified/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-02-14/china-s-phantom-ufo-shows-xi-struggle-to-find-the-right-message?embedded-checkout=true
  9. Drop the condescension. I think most everyone in this thread agrees with this, but the alien question is unique. The US government has obstructed, classified and/or retained internally pretty much all matters of significance. The normal scientific community has no access to that evidence and the USG has actively discouraged any scientific inquiry into UAPs for decades. Certain members of Congress have been privy to far more details than have been released publicly and they seem interested as fuck, on a bipartisan basis. And authorized or (I would argue) implicitly authorized agents of the USG are saying precisely that it is aliens. There is also currently a bill up in draft form that would require disclosure from the Pentagon and Pentagon-affiliated companies that is being fought like hell behind the scenes.
  10. To be fair to Ikard, Lebby is a good coach - I'm sure they do miss Lebby. And they've had bad luck with the receivers. But the real dumb decision was letting Gabriel walk. I don't think any OC could salvage this situation.
  11. Username checks out
  12. I googled this moron and found this gem on his website (copied verbatim): Do you think all Christians living in blue states like California are stupid? No. I believe Christian parents, particularly fathers, who are failing in their duties to protect and provide for their children, and could remedy this problem by relocating but deliberately choose not to, are being foolish. The Apostle Paul calls these men apostates who are “worse than an unbeliever.” In the spirit of charity, I opted to merely call these men “stupid.”
  13. I don't know much about the Zimbabwe story, but your objections are in the vein of "they didn't act like I would". We can't determine the true motivations, mindset, and strategy. This is like saying I don't understand why the guy shot and killed the victim, so it must not have occurred. There are lots of prosaic explanations for this case I'm sure. But 50+ kids seem to all have seen the same thing, so I presume something occurred. Maybe some weird test from a government craft. Who knows.
  14. I think we'll agree to disagree. We're having two public congressional hearings and lots is going on behind the scenes because congressmen think the Pentagon isn't being forthcoming. The Schumer bill is really incredible reading and it is being fought by the defense lobby - why? The US government (and many other governments) takes this issue quite seriously and is openly stating there are numerous encounters with crafts we can't explain. Those are official admissions by the US government. So, the choices are only: (i) the crafts are ours (some dating back many decades) and we made huge technological leaps, we decided to test them on our military, and the reports that are being released about our ineptitude to deter them are disinfo to cover up US covert projects; (ii) Russia/China/whoever has lept past us massively; (iii) all historical reports are attributable to misidentification or our sensors (in many cases, multiple sensors, radar, and visual) being shitty; or (iv) non-human. I've cast my lot on (i) and (iv). Others seem to like (ii) or (iii). It is what it is. But this is a self admitted big problem presently for our military and just because some folks don't think its (iv) doesn't mean we get to blow past the question. The evidence for (ii) seems quite weak and we'd have a big problem if it were true and while (iii) undoubtedly explains most, it doesn't explain a small subset of the truly interesting cases. I think the evidence for (i) is fairly strong (Ben Horowitz recently stated someone in the executive branch told him we classified whole wings of physics in the 60s/70s) and we successfully hid stealth technology for quite some time, so there is precedent. (iv), while incredible, has the support of lots of credible/serious people on both sides of the aisle with access to a lot of the classified data and footage that normal folks simply don't. You have to give that some credence.
  15. I mean, fair. But you're not going to get it. The whistleblowers who have come forward have allegedly provided all this to members of congress and the IG in classified settings, but they're not going to broadcast this stuff or permit it to be in any danger of leaking to the Chinese and Russians. Look at how quickly nukes made it over to the USSR. They're behaving exactly how you would if you held super advanced tech. And on the prior post, I don't think you need #3. And #1 and #2 are precisely what some of the public folks are allegeding. Ness, Grusch, Elizando, John Ratcliffe, the Standford scienet, etc. are all serious people. Coupled with the videos, radar and sensor readings, and some of the testimonies, you have a compelling case. So I get that folks need and want more, but I think it has to be one of two scenarios based on the USG's tact. It's either (i) exactly what they say it is or (ii) it's a massive psyop to cover up some other advancement. And in either case, the information that gets disseminated down to the proletariat is all going to be strategic and released only if it is in the best interests of the USG to do so.
  16. Of course I want more. I'm human like everyone else. However, I think in light of this being a matter of significant national security concerns, the USG, both through official statements and through people who I think are strategic intermediaries like Elizondo, Gallaudet, Nell, and Grusch, has actually admitted a great deal. And this is a fucking internet message board. The entire purpose of these things is for people to post articles and argue over random shit. I think it's enjoyable to hear the differing perspectives, and while I don't agree with all of them, @956 Worldwide has brought up points in the past on this very subject that have shaped how I think about it.
  17. I think the issue the UFO crowd has with the skeptics is what more do you want? This is clearly a sensitive issue for the USG, both historically and now. If I asked you ten years ago what “compelling evidence” would look like, the vast majority of people would have said things that are exactly in line with what we have. Public comments by cabinet level officials, disclosure of videos captured by the military with multiple sensors and unimpeachable witnesses, high level spooks testifying publicly and under oath, reporting in the New York Times and reports that congress is getting much more details in a confidential setting, and current and former military commanders going on record. We’ve come so far in just a short period of time. Like, they aren’t going to trot out the craft and the bodies on CSPAN. I started paying attention to this issue in earnest following the New York Times report. It seems clear to me that the level of reports and the frequency of them are increasing. Just this week, the WSJ reported that UFOs with a mother ship hung out for weeks over a military base and the president received briefings on it. And no one really cared. All this wouldn’t be going on without the tacit approval of the pentagon (the public whistleblowers are all very much government men and former spooks). No one has died. Lou Elizondo is on a big book tour. So it all seems very intentional to me on the part of the USG. There is some angle to it all and the only real conclusion I can come to is this is either gradual desensitizing for eventual disclosure or an oddly public disinformation campaign against China/Russia. If I was expecting the former, this is exactly how I’d do it, especially if there were elements of bad behavior on the part of the USG (which surely there was). I don’t think we have enough info on the second part, but it’s foolish to dismiss it.
  18. Quandre Diggs
  19. Sure, as I mentioned, I don't discount that this is disinformation. But in your specific examples, why would the US government "fake" and "fool" our own pilots over our own military installations and ships? Where is the motive for that? Take the New York Times videos, one of which is almost 20 years old. These craft were observed visually, on radar, and on other military systems. We also classified the footage for over a decade. Why would we be putting on a show for China/Russia and then classify the data and hold onto it for years? That makes no sense to me.
  20. There is a zero percent chance in my mind this is foreign tech. This is not how the US government would react if China/Russia were operating probes or surveillance drones over our sensitive military bases. Look at how we reacted to the Chinese high-altitude surveillance balloon. And putting aside the argument whether the crafts that have been observed would help Russia and China (they clearly would), I think the bigger point is does anyone actually believe they could be 100 years ahead of us in this area without any of the intermediate technologic steps necessary becoming public/commercialized? I very much believe that some of this is US disinformation, although I can't guess at what their angle is. Some is our tech - we hid the stealth bomber for almost two decades. But I don't think all of it is, and then the question becomes what the heck are we observing?
  21. Yeah, but the alternatives are someone has learned to travel faster than light speed or all these sightings are disinfo or foreign tech. I don't think it's foreign tech - if it was China, they'd have invaded Taiwan and if it was Russia, they wouldn't have spent so much time fucking around in Ukraine. I don't discount disinfo, but if it is truly "something else", I think an advanced civilization hiding somewhere nearby (including in the oceans) is more likely than one that has mastered transversing the galaxy. All the limitations we think exist are all viewed through the lens of our existing technology/understandings, which may not apply to a civilization with a head start. Think about how far we've come in just a short period of time. We went from the Wright brothers to walking on the moon in approximately 70 years, a blink of an eye.
  22. Taaffe has turned into a damned good player. Not a damned good player *for a former walk on*, but a damned good player full stop. He's improved every year he's been here and is a plus player on our defense. I never thought I'd type that.
  23. Totally. I don’t dismiss the undersea theories either for just this reason. It’s just far more likely than someone coming outside of our solar system.
  24. Yep. Stadium was always empty. It was super sad.
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