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  1. alyeska

    Fuck OU

  2. alyeska

    Fuck OU

    This guy gets it.
  3. Botton? Is CDC retarded?
  4. alyeska

    Fuck OU

    Well I live in Alaska so nothing else to do besides hate OU. Maybe I will do it more discreetly moving forward.
  5. alyeska

    Fuck OU

    Fuck those inbred fucksticks.
  6. Shut the fuck up sisterfucker.
  7. Texas is going to beat the shit out of these worthless fucks Saturday.
  8. Only at fucking toothless Sooners who think they are welcome here. I’ve been around these boards since 2005 and ChiTownDoc is a huge fucking pussy.
  9. worst coach in Texas Football history good riddance
  10. Wrong. He's a fucking sooner. Fuck him.
  11. alyeska

    Fuck OU

    We are going to fuck these sisterfuckers up Saturday.
  12. Also, who the fuck is “we” You are a landthief. You’re lucky to even get to have the privilege of posting here. Fuck you sisterfucker.
  13. Dumbass sooner. Texas is going to fuck you up Saturday. Hope your billowy asshole is ready for more.
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