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Posts posted by The_Great_Hornsby

  1. On 3/24/2020 at 2:46 PM, Goo Punch said:

    we've always been good defensively under Shaka, but I was honestly hoping that Yaklich would take us to the next level. instead the big xii features four of the top 10 defenses in the country, and Texas wasn't one of them. A bit disappointing. 

    With that said, *if* GB III does become a Longhorn the. this could be an opportunity for us to play with a much different style than we would have under Yaklich, so I hope that's exactly what we do. With Brown in the fold, we will have so much athleticism across the board that it would behoove us to play a much more up-and-down style that allows us to get out in transition more often, and any type of pack line/no help defense would hinder that. so time will tell how big of a loss this ends up being. 

    So do all our seniors get another year of eligibility? Did they ever decide on that? 

  2. 35 minutes ago, Bartles said:

    Dan Wolken at USA Today has been sending up flares about this for the last week or so, saying that while no one is in panic mode, they are absolutely starting to prepare for the possibility of a reduced or canceled season. Wolken wants more coaches to get on camera and tell fans, "If you want a 2020 football season, you need to stay home for a few weeks right now." I agree, though it didn't seem to work in Louisiana.

    The vibe I've gotten from most sports is there is not much appetite for playing in empty stadiums just for TV. If it's safe enough to play the games, they will let the fans in. Probably lots of hand-wash stations.

    It all depends on the famous "curve". If it's still high or in rollercoaster mode this summer, schools won't even open for class and the FB season will be impossible. We'll probably be able to make decent guesses in about a month. (A safe early guess is Notre Dame-Navy won't be playing in Dublin in week zero.)

    I guess I just cant see them letting stadiums fill with people unless there is a vaccine (doubtful) or a very effective treatment (possible) 

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Texas Jeff said:

    Texas has a dashboard a lot like the Johns Hopkins dashboard, but not as informative (no data over time):


    Using that data, right now 79 of 715 cases (19%) are in Travis Co.  But, Travis Co has about 4% of the state's population.

    So, is Travis Co simply more disease-ridden than the rest of the state or simply testing more and finding more cases?  Honestly, I could go either way on that one...



    In Texas, only 5.4% of tests are positive, thats almost a national low

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Captainant said:

    I'm not trying to twist any words. The drug's shorthand name is chloroquine, and anything you search for "chloroquine" will also include the "phosphate", which is also in the medicinal prescription. Here's the medical facts page on it. 

    There's second and distinct drug that's hydroxychloroquine. Both are used to treat malaria, and both are currently prescribed medicines. 

    Fuck man, the people bought a fucking fish bowl cleaner called chloroquine phosphate and drank it. Jesus, dont be this fucking stupid. 

    • Like 4
  5. 7 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    Holy shit you fucking people. Are we not allowed to talk about the fucking coaching in a game thread? Does what happens on the field start and end with only what's on the field? Or does the decisions made by the leaders of the team leading up to, during, and after the game also fucking matter and make a material difference on the outcome?

    I'm not being hyperbolic to say that people are going to do dumb things and make dumb decisions because of the inconsistent messaging. There's evidence to show that is the case. Those bad decisions - the state of Florida not closing its beaches, small town Texas acting like nothing is going on, etc - are going to have very real and meaningful consequences in terms of health outcomes.

    It's not about teams or parties, it's about making the best decisions to give all of us the best shot at getting through the pandemic. That includes the people driving the bus that we're all on together doing and saying things that make sense and are backed by medical experts.

    I've been collecting negs for saying that we shouldn't end social distancing in a week, as what the plan appears to be. I don't hold that opinion because "orange man bad", I hold that opinion because that's what the medical experts around the country and on the COVID-19 task force say is their opinion. 

    You fuckers are just so upset at someone disagreeing with you, that you're looking for any reason to ignore and disengage. I haven't been bringing partisan bullshit or broad brush attacks against people for their political beliefs in here. 


    Wanna know how I know you are a partisan hack? You start with "You fucking people" then proceed to bring up "orange man bad" 

    Incredible attempt at moving the goalposts as well, it failed, but hell, the way you were getting toasted, it was worth a shot

    • Like 6
    • Fuck You 1
  6. Just now, utee94 said:

    I'm talking about infection-to-hospitalization and infection-to-death.  The second is almost certainly longer than 5 days.  But yes, I'm just going on assumptions that might not be correct, same as every other model and statistician our there.  We don't know yet.

    Gotcha, infection-death is much different, and I have not a clue on that one. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    we're looking at lagging indicators by 2-3 weeks from the moment of infection.




    Im not sure 14 day incubation is the norm, I think it's more the outside limit of normal, hence why the quarantine is that long. I read somewhere the actual incubation period is typically like 5 days. So I would say we are seeing indicators of 7 days ago at worst. 

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