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Posts posted by The_Great_Hornsby

  1. I have this terrible feeling that we arent gonna be able to rid ourselves of Smart this easily. We are so close, which is right when the fucky stuff happens. We will probably beat Kansas or sneak into the tournament and go on a run. I just have a bad feeling this Shaka nightmare isnt over.

  2. 5 hours ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    Been reading/hearing a lot of shit from scouts today who were basically saying they didn’t expect him to break 4.7 looking at his tape, and his performance at the combine doesn’t change how they feel about him (because that’s the player they saw on tape). Take that for what it’s worth. Maybe he was a 6th or 7th rounder all along. But a lot of people weren’t surprised in the least bit by his 40 time. Dane Brugler said it best:

    “Watch the tape, he’s not a sub 4.7 guy. But I don’t know that I ever saw him drop a pass at Texas, and he plays physical. Slimming down was a mistake. He should’ve stuck with his playing weight, or maybe he should’ve thought about bulking up and embracing who he is.”

    Against OK State, he dropped a sure TD that couldve been the difference for us. Oh well, he won some games for us too.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    btw the shit that i post is commonplace on the private UT boards, where substantive discussions are encouraged and not something that makes grown men whine like babies. I just don't have any desire to post with the BWG's of the world who frequent those boards. and as much as i hate to say it there's a reason that the people who post on those boards look down on   shaggy    and it's posters- it's because the immortal's and cameltoes of the world add just about as much substantive content as 4/5 posters in this forum, and any post that takes the time to have any thought put into it is met with this whiny crap. but that's part of the trade off with shaggy. the same dudes who wanna sit around all day talking about wwe wrestling and your mom jokes also don't come with/appreciate anything that requires thinking or reading. 

    It is probably because of all the scat stuff, huh?

    • Like 1
  4. NBA is still corrupt as shit. They made Donaghy look like a lone operator. If you read between the lines of the article and what the FBI agent said, you can see that the NBA leaked the investigation so the FBI wouldnt implicate the other refs. Donaghy called Scott Foster 135 times in the 07 season, those calls being 30 seconds on average in length. The ref Foster called the next most was for a total of 12 calls. Newsflash, Foster is still reffing. Im sure there are others.   

    • Like 1
  5. So let me get this straight, Rising, Thompson, and Shane are all int he transfer portal, so it is entirely possible we have lose 3 QBs this offseason. And it isnt like Elingher is some sort of ironman. We use him like a battering ram and it is concerning we might lose all depth at QB if he needs to sit a game against a shitty team to heal up.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    The problem is that we don't do that.

    The Texas team that shows up today easily wins 20 games. But that team shows up once every three or four games, at best.

    Well Shaka is so stupid his offense is to shoot a bunch of 3s and get offensive rebounds and try and win like that. It is idiotic and if we ever got a real offense we could be decent... but that would require a coach with a brain

  7. Just now, Brandywine said:

    And Shaka will be fired and he’ll be hired by a team that ends up in the top 5. It’s the story of Texas coaches.

    Is it? Barnes was always a great recruiter and decent coach. The shock of being fired is probably what got him to re-evaluate his ways, he evolved, he became complacent here.

    Shaka on the other hand, doesnt have it. He cant coach his way out of a paper bag. He might end up Top 5 in the Horizon Valley league if he is lucky. Dude is a fraud.

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  8. Just now, LTtxfan said:

    Great pic..... it's a Fuckup no doubt

    Doesnt matter, the buck stops with Shaka, he clearly doesnt instill confidence in these guys is crunch time situations. Good coaches get players to execute properly. On an every game basis we are beating ourselves with poor discipline and mental errors. 100% on Shaka. Abject failure as a coach.

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