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Everything posted by The_Great_Hornsby

  1. Yeah, Patterson was a fucking loser. He made bad hires. I think you are also right ab out following Augie. I think ultimately Pierce's legacy will be that he was the bridge coach that led to us becoming great again. Kinda like Herman.
  2. Context is always important. It is almost like he was blindsided that his job is in any sort of jeopardy.
  3. Schloss is well known to be a total piece of shit. Not sure why people are creaming their pants over him. He literally agreed to coach for aggy for crying out loud. Do not want.
  4. If we had won all those games we probably wouldve been hosting this week. But then we also wouldve had a better team and coach.
  5. That answer indicated he was skating on thin ice. I think CDC makes the move if there is one to make. That isn't the answer of a coach confident he is returning.
  6. I'm on team fire Pierce if you have a good replacement ready. I will leave it up to CDC. I doubt he fires him without a plan in place. So in CDC I trust.
  7. He shouldve let the ball hit him instead of dodging it
  8. May as well get UL into a groove to prep them for the ags later lol
  9. L O L Holy fuck this whole pitching staff is ass outside of Boehm, LBJ, Ace, Dre, and Grubbs.
  10. Ah yes, the vaunted directors cup. Put it on the wall.
  11. Did PP do a my bad chest tap after he fucked that one up?
  12. PP with the error to end the season. Him and Flores should be proud.
  13. Powell having a very poor regional.
  14. They would do the same to us. The season was thrown away by Flores last night.
  15. Probably seeing if Farmer can provide a spark.
  16. Predictable loss tbh. This team got punched in the fucking teeth and then kicked in the jaw last night.
  17. This batting lineup has shit down their legs all year. This is on par for them. Beylou and Kimble are the only guys I would like to see back next year.
  18. Scheussler is the only player with a dick
  19. Let's see if FLores can pull his head out of his ass
  20. Who would we be pitching in Game 3, assuming we pull the rabbit out of the hat and get there?
  21. Grown men blowing bubbles is pathetic
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