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Everything posted by BRLA

  1. Same for me! I feel confident about this game but I'm feeling antsy about not feeling antsy about Saturday:) I think I need a margarita.
  2. Texas - 45 OU - 24 Texas rushing yards - 275
  3. Texas - 48 Kansas - 17 Kansas with 350 total yards
  4. UT - 34 Baylor - 10 275 total yards for Baylor
  5. UT - 41 WY - 7 RB yards - 200
  6. Show me a loss?
  7. Texas - 27 Alabama - 21 350 yard for Bama
  8. BRLA

    Fuck Big 12 refs

    Man - I have got to stop reading this thread. My blood pressure shoots through the roof and puts me in an actual crappy mood.
  9. We don't appear to be active in the transfer portal unless I have missed some news. I follow on SwimSwam and see almost daily articles on good/great swimmers entering the portal. Any insight as to why it looks like we are not participating in the portal action?
  10. And if memory serves me correctly - they bitched about UTIMCO and how it was named. Initially it was the University of Texas Investment Management Company. After aggy complained, they altered the name to be the University of Texas/Texas A&M Investment Management Company. Truly little man syndrome on display.
  11. Weren’t there some renderings distributed a couple of years ago regarding a new scoreboard on the north side end zone upper deck along with - I think - some new club seating? Any news on this project?
  12. I may have missed it upthread, but has there been any information on what happens to the annual funds due to UT from the remaining years on the LHN contract?
  13. What is your expectation for men's indoor? They were ranked #13 in the initial poll - should they move up as the season progresses?
  14. Wow - I was there for that game. If memory serves me correctly it was cold, wet & windy....and I stayed until the end. It was like watching a train wreck occur in real time and over a 3 hour period.
  15. You sure hate to see that!
  16. Wow - amazing news! Floreal doing some great work - he’ll have a National Championship or two in the next couple of years.
  17. Can I assume that the original appraiser refunded the initial and rush fees?
  18. It’s fascinating down here right now. The rumor mill is running in every direction and everyone you talk to has a different source that definitely knows what’s going on in the search. Had dinner last week with good friends who know folks in the athletic department who told them that it was going to be Jimbo and it was done 3 weeks ago. They were disappointed that it might be Jimbo because another of their good friends told them that is was BOB - which is who they want. Woodward either had this search totally locked down with his new hire already done or it is a mess behind the scenes with LSU striking out as they move down their prospective coaches list.
  19. I think it'll be the Ole Miss game if they really stink it up in Oxford. Most of the folks here have already penciled in the Florida & Alabama games in as losses. And LSU really hates losing to Ole Miss, so I think a bad game on national TV just might make them publicly pull the trigger on O
  20. Hey @Lobo Thanks for the info. During Hartzell's speech yesterday he referenced the What Starts Here Campaign slated to launch spring 2022. Any inside scoop as to the fundraising goal? Assuming we are in the quiet period right now - any info on how much has been raised to date?
  21. That's just such bullshit. Typical for them, but bullshit nonetheless. Why would we invite them to participate in the Relays when they act like that - let them sit their asses at home this weekend.
  22. Texas - 51 UTEP - 13
  23. If you have to ask, you are too late.
  24. Congratulations to the guys - hell of a run! Look forward to a run a great seasons with the youth of the current team. Not been too shabby of a year for the men - top 10 in football, 2nd place in swimming & golf and 1st in tennis. T&F coach was a great hire and I expect them to be back to top 10 status very soon. If we can just get basketball & baseball performing, we should have top 10 teams across the board.
  25. I think it may have been mentioned up-thread, but I can't seem to find it...everyone on the team comes back next year - correct?
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