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  1. Surprised to find out that Tyreek Hill didn't break a 4.3, or did he not run at the combine?
  2. Apparently the one in Israel has had substance abuse issues and is farely young (like still in his 20s) so it will be awhile before he ends up running the team.
  3. Why am I just now finding out that the daughter Dumont is married to isn't even an Addelson? She's Sheldon's step daughter. And to top it off, one of Sheldon's actual sons is a basketball fanatic and works in the front office of an Israeli team. Not only is Dumont a guy who married into a power that ultimately robbed me of my joy. He married into a 3rd derivative of that power. What in the actual fuck is going on here?
  4. I'm hearing from a couple former coworkers of Nico at Nike who all say Nico was forced to make the trade and it wasn't his decision at all.
  5. Youtube video from the above reference:
  6. OK The Rangers went nearly 5 years without even being talked about by local sports radio until their recent run to the world series. They got so little traction by local media that the main Rangers blogger, Jamey Newberg, would complain about it incessantly.
  7. 3rd most important franchise in its own market? Que? Behind the Cowboys and who else???? Certainly not the Rangers.
  8. The guy who actually wrote the article, Ethan Strauss, said that Nico wasn't the guy who called Steph, Stephawn (the actual name mistake in the article is Stephawn not Seth). In fact he was on a Dallas area podcast just yesterday and pointed out totally missed the point of his article. If anything the thrust was that Nico was a relationship manager and not an executive with decision making powers. He was basically a guy who made sure the athletes were happy. Steph was one of his clients but Kobe was his main client. The top decision maker for NIke didnt even attend the meeting with Steph, which, as Ethan points out in the article, more or less demonstrates what the prevailing winds were indicating as to the level of importance of Steph to the Nike portfolio at the time, (he wasnt). He goes onto say that Nico essentially peter principled as a GM after Mark sold the team. The plan was for Mark to be the defacto GM and Nico to curry favor with players he had relationships with. When Mark sold to the Adelson's Nico was essentially promoted and now took on a role he was never supposed to have in practice. Strauss also theorized that the negotiations between Nico and Pelinka may have reverted back to the dynamic they had when Pelinka was Kobe's agent and Nico was his Nike rep. As a Nike rep for a client such as Kobe the biggest job description is to please your client and those associated with him ie his agent. Everything reported about the trade negotiations between Nico and Pelinka plays out as though Nico had a pavlovian response to please Pelinka as he did when he was Kobe's agent.
  9. I wouldn't. Every Mav fan I know agrees with the sentiment.
  10. It makes sense that wholesale changing out of guards and wings to the extent we did this year would require more time to develop chemistry than what would've been the case had we just changed out bigs and forwards.
  11. The NBA has officially turned into the WWE. Just storylines in service of their stars. In this case the Lakers.
  12. What tha fuck does the coaching staff have to do with the trade? Are you new to American sports? This is the Adelsons.
  13. If the league can block the Chris Paul deal they have to block this one. This absolute bullshit.
  14. Because every top 10 team back then had multiple NBA players and a couple of them were even upper classmen.
  15. He's a fucking turnover machine. There was a pass he made in the first half that shouldve been a relatively easy pass back to Tre at the top of the key. He not only bulleted the pass for absolutely no reason, but he threw it like 3 or 4 feet inside of the key and it would;ve been intercepted if not for Tre's great hands. RT shouldve gotten Nic Codie or VInson ready during the time Kent was injured. Codie actually has a nice touch around the rim, but he obviously gets nervous and isnt completely sure of himself on the court due to his inexperience.
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