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About squib

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  1. He called plays from the sidelines. He just went up to the booth for snacks.
  2. Grocery Trip byu/ChocolateThunder35 inUnexpected
  3. Jay is threatening violence on OP if he does not share how he strolls about in those kicks and does not get them dirty or creased.
  4. I will be disappointed if the clear follow-up post isn’t made within minutes. The ball is teed up for you…
  5. This post made me go to Youtube and find a Borgore song. Worse than being rickrolled
  6. I work in Manchester for fairly extended periods regularly. Cool city. Liverpool is also badass and a short hop away. Glad to give you some recs if you end up in the area.
  7. If you hold the head steady, Imma milk the cow
  8. New info is he a Texan that served in military. Again, info is coming in fast—not all verified
  9. Another board posting saying the suspect/truck came across the border at Eagle Pass two days ago. This is possibly Fox News info so take it for what it is worth
  10. Die? Yes to the person following along behind a trailer pulled by this idiot.
  11. Watched this last night while wrapping gifts. Enjoyed it (the movie).
  12. Damn YouTuber promoting your own content
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