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Everything posted by squib

  1. $20 to $30. There was always a bargain bin in places like KMart that had ratched games for like $5. They mostly sucked, but sometimes you find a gem in there.
  2. Blowing was for Nintendo cartridge. Atari games plugged and played every damn time. Those superior graphics make me think Atari.
  3. Great band. Used to work with a guy that lived with Crosby for a while when they were teens. He said it was wild. And that David has skillz that far exceeded his looks. A guitar can do wonders.
  4. Interesting article on converting the sargassum to energy and fertilizer. https://theconversation.com/stinky-seaweed-is-clogging-caribbean-beaches-but-a-new-zealand-solution-could-turn-it-into-green-power-and-fertiliser-183807
  5. We were at a resort about 15 miles south of Cancun near Puerto Morelos last week. The seaweed made the beach unusable. The resorts were trying to deal with it, but multiple tractors couldn't keep up. It wasn't just a nuisance--it completely shut the beaches down and the stench was pretty bad where it was decomposing. My family was fine with the pools/swim up bars so it wasn't a vacation-ruiner. One day we took a catamaran out to Isla Mujeres, and there were small parts of the beaches there that had no seaweed--but everyone in Mexico seemed crammed into these few clean areas, and it was wall to wall people. We found some tidal pools on the north end of the island and enjoyed just wading there and looking at the fish. I asked one of the locals there, and he said the seaweed problem was constant and that there seemed to be no way of really fighting it. If you haven't seen how bad it can get down there, it is hard to explain. It is washed up on the beach as far as 10 feet and it is up to 2-3 feet thick. Just massive amounts. There is so much floating in the water right off the beach that all the water just turns to a slush of weed and brown--the local guy called it chocolate milk. I'll be interested to see what you find.
  6. Well, if we are gonna bring up Germany… Burgermeister in Berlin does a great burger and fries. I always hit up the one at the Schlesiisches Tor u-bahn stop. It is actually under the elevated tracks. There is no “inside.” You order from the stand then eat at a stand-up table that you will likely share with drunk strangers. The liquor store across the street will provide your beverage. The stand is on a little traffic island so it gets pretty packed. Great food in my favorite part of Berlin. It’s open damn-near all night.
  7. Two thoughts: Bet he used two aliases to get 24 cassettes for 2 cents from Columbia House. This collection was staged for the photo. Ain't nobody got time to keep those bitches alphabetized. And my lower left would have been all Ozzy. 1979 Ford F100 Stepside.
  8. This is the answer. All the places around San Angelo do it. Zentner made it standard years ago.
  9. Flew out of Cancun this morning. There was no mention of the Covid test.
  10. So in Cancun with my family. Fly back on Monday but saw news that testing is no longer required. I have tests scheduled tomorrow and then we all fly out Monday. Pay the $40 each or nah? Anyone traveling now? Will there be a delay in implementation?
  11. Posted up for the day. 23 steps to the bar.
  12. I have been all over southern Germany/Bavaria. I ain't never seen no shit like that.
  13. Headed to Cancun next week. Can I tip in US dollars or do I need to locate some pesos?
  14. It's not terrible. There is a downtown district with several places near each other. You can get a beer in all of them and find one spot that suits your vibe. Look at google maps and focus on the area around 1rst Ave (and the street to the south) and N. 24th. Just somewhere in the vicinity. I had a decent steak down there somewhere but can't recall the name. Anyway, it has been several years since I was in Billings, but I can tell you there was more there than I was expecting--not that I was expecting much. 1 night was plenty though.
  15. Didn't expect to like it as much as I did. Artsy.
  16. Goatheads. Even a lego winces in pain after stepping on one.
  17. Usually clear in the mornings. Will cloud up about 4 p.m. every day and rain. Sometimes for 30 minutes; sometimes for hours. It has been my experience that the afternoon rains don't often go into the evenings. I usually plan to post up in a bar somewhere about 4 p.m. every day and get drinks/decide my evening plans while it is raining.
  18. Ha. Started watching and then recognized the reporter's voice before I saw the source of the video. She interviewed and filmed me a few years ago for one of these stories. The package aired but they cut the parts containing me out of the final product. I was just a peripheral character in the storyline. Cool series.
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