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Everything posted by squib

  1. I was in Paris about 10 days ago. It was being partitioned off pretty well. Lots of fencing, barriers, security. It was nuts as usual. Oldest daughter is there right now with beach volleyball tickets under the Eiffel Tower tomorrow. I will be much relieved when I pick her up at the airport on Sunday.
  2. Do you even plow your corn with a double shovel, bro?
  3. Major impact on baseball too. No more partials and many more fulls to give. The rich are going to get richer, and the smaller schools are going to field teams that won't be able to beat top high school teams.
  4. squib

    Koe Wetzel

    Just clicked on that top video. Regardless of what you think about KW's singing, that Jessie Murph is completely awful. I had to turn it off when she started in. Then I thought "there must have been something she did that was good enough to get her a contract." Youtubed her and ended up on "Cowboys and Angels." Even worse than the crap above. Wow. Man, she is like taking your ugly friend to the bar with you so you don't look bad by comparison. Record Label: Koe, you always acting a fool. Find some woman and do a heartfelt duet. But don't get upstaged. You kinda suck at singing. Koe: Gotcha fam. Get Jessie Murph on the phone if she ain't tryna catch somebody outside.
  5. squib

    Koe Wetzel

    Not sure what I think of Koe. He seems to try a bit too hard to be edgy. But I love this song.
  6. He would rather not disclose.
  7. Only a Lad Always loved this song--and the lyrics fit so well here. He didn't want to learn things---he liked to burn things.
  8. Watched on the airplane yesterday. Whoever made the trailer should have made the whole movie.
  9. Exodus 20:4-5 "You shall not make for yourself any carved image-any likeness of anything that is in heaven or above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them".
  10. Wife’s family place survived but the house behind it is gone and the vacant lot next to it burned up. Aunt sent video and showed a corner of the house charred. That is wild to me. Thanks to the firefighters for stopping it literally as the flames were licking the structure. In the video, you can see where someone created a 3 foot fire line between the house and the vacant lot. That effort by some unnamed person likely saved the house. Here’s to you New Mexico Fire Fighter.
  11. Wife's family has a house there. Haven't been able to get in touch with anyone. Finally got a text from a neighbor that said the fire has moved on and the house has only some "slight burned area" on the back. Not exactly sure what that means. "Slight burning" doesn't sound good--but could be a lot worse I guess. Will find out soon enough.
  12. After two weeks of early summer bass tournaments, I want to be cremated and then mixed in with a sack of Quickcrete and formed into some vessel-sinking mass that rises up to just-below surface level when some lifting device is triggered when it senses Back in Black blaring over a set of tower speakers.
  13. Spent lots of Saturday nights on that slab after the rodeo back in the mid early '90s. Those camp counselor girls were always down for running some boots across the sanded concrete.
  14. The real winner: Obesity
  15. Lots of dangerous nature shit has some rhyme to help you remember. For sea snakes, "Red touches yellow; kill a fellow." Time for Surly to contribute to human survival. "If there is a flair in the ear, for you life you should fear." "If his face looks scary, put it in reverse Terry." "Don't be the Dumbo agitator or get a tusk in your radiator." Go.
  16. Damn sure no racing at the town of camps.
  17. That author likely isn't wrong. He surely is a douche. No interest in cruising for me regardless.
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