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Everything posted by squib

  1. squib

    Surly wallet check

    A friend that does custom leather work made me one for Christmas a few years ago. Personalized it for my hobbies. It is a single fold and fits in front pocket (although I almost always carry it in my back pocket or inside jacket pocket. One of my favorite gifts I have ever received.
  2. Let me lay it on the line, he had two on the vine. Also saved children, but not the British children.
  3. Figured it out. Sorry for being an old
  4. I need a link to this I can send in a text. Help a brutha out
  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/nOevgjFcxy
  6. That .13% is gonna be 100% dead my morning.
  7. Damn, this reduction is takin forever. Glad there was some extra wine left in the bottle.
  8. It's stressing me out that he is holding that rod upside down.
  9. I have eaten a damn good choripan under those trees on the right side of that part. Beautiful city.
  10. I thought I had read that you can access ESPN+ content for free if you were a Youtube TV subscriber. If so, I can't figure it out. How wrong am I? Thanks
  11. Watched the animated series on Netflix a few years ago, and it was some of the best TV I have ever seen. Loved the character development and the way the plot unfolded. This might be interesting--or make me mad.
  12. Go on vacation. Invite old MIL to house to watch dog for a week. She calls and says the dog has gone crazy--jumping on kitchen table, barking non-stop, tearing shit up. Not like the dog. Continues for several days. Says she is tired of dealing with insane dog and sends him to kennel for like $287 per day. I get home. Walk in door. Non-stop chirping. Ask MIL why she didn't change battery to stop the chirping--she says "what chirping?" I jump on table and tear shit up. Retrieve dog from prison. Deaf-ass old person made dog go insane.
  13. In light of the story above. I had a young man I mentored in Lubbock during Knight’s time at Tech. His dad was a lawyer that did some work for BN it seems. So I am speaking at a conference in St. Louis and I run into this young man who is also there for the conference. He asks if I want to go the Cards game that night with him as his dad had secured him some tickets because of some dealings with BN. I ain’t no busta so I jump at the chance. We get to the game, and I ask mentee where our tickets might be. He said “Dad said just go to Will Call window.” Head to Will Call and mentee says his name—she looks down at a sheet and then looks up and says “Who are you guys?” We respond we are just some guys from West Texas. She hands us tickets and keeps staring us down. In we go to the stadium, and we ask an usher near our gate to help us find the seats. He says “Who are you guys?” I started to catch on. He says we need to follow him and he takes us through this secure area and leads us to front row seats between home plate and third. We sit down and the person a few seats over says “Who are you guys?” Mentee then gets weirded out and calls his dad and asks “What’s up with these seats?” Dad says “Hell if I know. I mentioned to Knight in some meeting you were going to St. Louis and he asked if you wanted to go to the baseball game. I said yes. That is all I know.” Watch the first inning and interact with people around us. Finally one person asks us how we are related to Tony. Mentee says “Tony who?” Stranger friend says “La Russa dipshit, you are sitting in his family seats that they use when they don’t want to sit in the box.” Thanks Bobby.
  14. squib


    Cowboys: Hold my Zima (with watermelon jolly rancher stuffed inside)
  15. Down by 5 in the 4th quarter. 4th and 1 on the 35 yard line. 30 seconds to go. QB lines up. And then....
  16. That butternut squash: "What dafuck did I do?"
  17. Never a finer example of when the FUFO emoji should be employed. Set ablaze the bull, get the firey horns. (and get pantsed in the process)
  18. Newt went to law school? He should have sued the shit out of Dish for that ass whoopin' in Montana.
  19. This place is supposedly just a few miles from the train. https://imgur.com/a/JHGStRx Looks like several people are in on the joke. In Colorado, you might get your ass shot running around in such a getup.
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