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Everything posted by HendersonHorns

  1. Somebody is going to get killed at UCLA tonight if it’s not policed/separated better. It was madness last night when the counter protesters showed up.
  2. That’s awesome. And by seeing your posts to that guy yesterday that was going crazy, I believe you 100%. 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
  3. Oh stop with that. You won’t find anyone here more pro 2A than me. There’s no reason for that last dig. Or that last gotcha you put there. It’s disingenuous. in Florida it is a felony to carry on campus. I don’t agree with it. But that’s what it is. but this is too CR for this topic and I don’t want to get the thread locked. I would be happy to talk about it on a cr thread though.
  4. I know. For sure. It just caught on because some dickhead called for it the first day. Cracking skulls I mean. There’s so much animosity there right now. Need to figure out a way for both sides to think they won.
  5. That’s the guy above. I don’t know if he had bad intentions, or if he carries daily. also didn’t investigate if he’s an employee. he didn’t shoot anyone, thankfully.
  6. It can’t be too late. It can never be too late for dialogue. I’m not saying the government or admin are going to humble themselves to talk. But they have to. is that a fantasy world? Serious question.
  7. That’s one reason I hope Texas protesters can/will be open to dialogue with the admin and law enforcement. it may be too late for that though. And not at the fault of students. the Ivy’s may take a hit. And I’m way ok with that.
  8. That’s awful. i know SC canceled graduation. Guess ucla will next. Shame for the kids who did nothing wrong. Same poor kids didn’t get a high school graduation, and that sucks.
  9. So she may be….., freaky? She should be blowing up as the best “hippie/commie” facesitter. @YGIFS good target lock on. Two targets, hard to miss.
  10. https://www.linkedin.com/in/iva-stelmak-92303244 Would. Many times. The second time would have to be after a lot of bathing.
  11. I love this first paragraph so much. I’ve said for a long time, the village idiots use to be confined to the village and everyone knew they were idiots (Alex Jones for a prime example). Now, this same village idiots have millions of followers and people who agree with them and can come together in huge numbers. how do you defeat that shit?
  12. I’ve thought and repeated this line often. Again I posted this yesterday. but, I have figured out, and I do owe this website a lot of credit, for teaching me to be more accepting of people, regardless of severity of political leanings. To a point…. I’ve had interactions this week or “reactions” from people who have never done anything but “fuck you” me. find neutral ground before you shit completely on the beliefs they’ve had just as long and just as passionate as you are. Then work on differences in a healthy way. maybe it’s a pipe dream? But I think it is what we have to do with where we are now in this political hate each side has for each other. Because it goes from political hate to hatred of the person too damn quickly anymore.
  13. I think this is one of the most accurate posts on this topic. And it is really scary how right you are. Last week, I had a pretty happy Twitter place. Mostly sports stuff. But all centered around UT, Cowboys, or the Braves. the last week has been 99% political. And I don’t generally do Twitter for politics. It’s now video after video after video of campus violence or protest. That’s probably why I got so heated last night. algorithms suck. I’d rather scroll past OUsux news than scroll past the campus insanity right now. Mostly because of what @bolverk said about sources and their motivation. Insta news is not good. I use to think it was. But, you get a 15 second clip and “they” sum it up like it was a 3 day event that was pure chaos.
  14. Big boy, I can’t put someone on ignore but you think I have the capability of logging on and off every 10 seconds to post. lol no. And, you’re an asshole for comparing me to him.
  15. Time to smoke a bowl and turn in for the night.
  16. Threat: Im going to kick your ass wishful thinking: you should have your ass kicked. hth gfys
  17. It’s not about liking. It’s about what’s right. And that’s ok. I’m not for everyone, or even most people.
  18. I don’t know how to put on ignore. I’m not that kind of liberal. He’s already said you don’t need your ass kicked. I think you need it kicked to your shoulder blades.
  19. If you read my posts from the day, you’ll see where I stand. this is a very liberal board and you’re not going to win shit with a gotcha moment. That’s what’s wrong with us now. Everything is fucking “GOTCHA” now. I’m going to block your sorry ass and you can continue to make conservative people look like fucking idiot gun crazed murdering maniacs.
  20. Fair enough. And I apologize. There’s just so much insta news from boots on the ground. But, I don’t understand the difference in sharing a biased Texas student Twitter or a Twitter post from a random person on another campus. I’m not accusing you of sharing student tweets, I don’t remember if you did or not. And I’m not keeping tally’s i should have checked his background before I posted that. thank you for actual back and forth.
  21. Get fucked dickhead. Don’t wish injury on people. That was also ucla with that girl. you have the “we” like you’re going to go killing people who don’t believe like you. You’re a coward and dangerous person. And to call for killing these students should have you banned. And the piss beat out of you.
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