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tomahawk dunk

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by tomahawk dunk

  1. In rodeo they call that the rough stock events.
  2. https://www.cnbc.com/2025/01/06/elon-musk-asks-if-us-should-liberate-britain.html
  3. That is not going to suck.
  4. What plans does anyone have for this year? I’m going to try to get to Europe to do the Camino Norte and Kungsleden. Had planned to do them last year but couldn’t pull it off.
  5. Tony Hinchcliffe is smiling somewhere
  6. I would think filing for divorce from that dude while still in Russia might shorten her life expectancy but who knows.
  7. I seriously think this shit is going to infuriate trump.
  8. Yeah, I can't see that going over well with the Donald. That's probably something we should get people to rally behind so it could hasten Musks exit from Washington and his subsidies.
  9. They look like 400 cc's of a good time.
  10. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
  11. https://www.thepoke.com/2024/10/24/brutal-description-of-elon-musk-pulled-no-punches/ “He doesn’t found anything, he’s just a cuckoo. He arrives in a nest and just pushes out the founders and then opens his gob wide and then forces the government to feed him subsidies and then flits off to another nest and pushes out another couple of founders and gorges on the public purse.”
  12. www.billbelichickcarolinafootball.com
  13. Some times you have to play through the pain.
  14. Handjobs still $40.
  15. The DQ in Austin on Burnet at Ohlen is really solid. Used to eat there every now and then when I lived in the area.
  16. We should send the Tesla cars to Ukraine and they could catapult them into Russia via a giant trebuchet. Elon could then be finally providing a real benefit to humanity, providing giant fireballs for Ukraine to use against Russia.
  17. He's got Jesus handling his junk.
  18. Thought this was going to be a Matt Gaetz thread when I saw the title.
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