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Everything posted by BarStella

  1. Take the jar and smash it and throw it in their face. Results may vary.
  2. Shut up. No one cares. Refocus on the fact that OU does suck and that we are kicking their front teeth down their throat tomorrow morning.
  3. They all look like they don't have enough time to hit the gym between 8 hour studying sessions.
  4. They'll stroke the shaft, cradle the balls, swallow the gravy and then help you do your taxes.
  5. Help us find pictures of hot nerdy cheerleaders instead
  6. How is that different than fucking non-Mormon girls?
  7. Yeah I'm conflating very different demographics. Pretend you were 21 again. Do you have any single daughters? Asking for a friend.
  8. First one is too low quality. Second one I can only see like 3 girls. I maintain my position. TBF I would rawdog the girl front and center all night long.
  9. Was I missing sarcasm or are our standards for hotness completely different?
  10. True - hotness is objective.
  11. The "AZN" girls that go to Tech didn't get in because they were pretty.
  12. I like how the P12 championship thread has devolved into talking about hotness of girls at completely unrelated universities. How many people in here are even watching the game?
  13. Georgia Tech is a public school. Go find me 12 girls there that you'd fuck stone cold sober.
  14. Or did his first line of a strippers tiddies
  15. So you can confirm that there are warm, wet, orifices to be found?
  16. 8 team playoff on line 1
  17. student, hot, she, cheerleader
  18. Instead of "per ticket" they should use expected total revenue. For example - Jerryworld is going to sell twice as many tickets as Mercedes Benz. But, in this case, fucking hilarious. (oh no - am I chipping away at the SECSECSEC narrative?)
  19. That's well and all but do they handle themselves well in the sack? Or even let it get to that point?
  20. You're one of my least favorite dickheads on this site and I didn't even know Slorch was a Tech fan. That's how I know he isn't annoying about it. He isn't one of the mouth breathing fuckheads in the "tell me about tech" thread that complain when anyone else posts in there. Or maybe he is - but he's certainly not even close to the most annoying. You're treating him like he's Bash Riprock or one of those retards. Most of us don't care about Tech enough to attack Tech posters in a Tech thread. If he's being a dumb-ass just ignore him and let him have his day. Tech has never won anything in football - their greatest accomplishment was costing Texas an MNC.
  21. She's got some big paws. Bet she could give the 'ol shaft a pretty good working if you know what I'm sayin.
  22. With a black girl the other night. Doing drugs and shit. I look up and go "Oh shit I should probably lock the door". She responds, "You mean it was unlocked the whole time?"
  23. Dude... too far. The man has a family. A very, very close-knit family.
  24. Lincoln Riley pronounces "Whataburger" Waterburger.
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