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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NAVY

  1. Maybe Nissan can merge with itself and become Mega Nissan!
  2. Cowboys should have at least one more playoff win by then, so that’s nice
  3. What wrong with huge money ?
  4. Mighty quiet in this thread. We must have stopped aborting them kids that were already born
  5. Nope, never heard of project 2025. It’s just a wild coincidence that its objectives are being carried out systematically. Interesting site I found linked on Reddit https://www.project2025.observer
  6. There won’t be anyone left at the Bureau of Labor Statistics run that calc.
  7. Aye aye. No puss here, bossmange. Este Beltalowda ready for duty
  8. Inspector Clouseau’s Kato
  9. Things are going so much worse than I expected and I expected the worst.
  10. https://theonion.com/dnc-aiming-to-reconnect-with-working-class-americans-wi-1819579456/
  11. Also, very very small trees
  12. Thanks Obama
  13. Have fun. https://gulfof.mapquest.com
  14. We’re a summer time blood and fire country
  15. I’m all for this if destroying means shoving them up their ass
  16. Jackie Jr
  17. That skit was right after the Olympic little chocolate donuts skit on the VHS John Belushi thing
  18. Dang. Some of y’all are dead inside. This is fun
  19. Fucking Eddy Murphy! Bwaaaaahhhaaaaaaa
  20. This is great. I am entertained!
  21. Congratulations to your son. And you too. Make a bet with him about next season. Take the over. Go to a bunch of games together here in Austin. Get to hang out with your kid and feel like a badass because all that stuff above
  22. Sorry for jumping your shit. It’s just the internet but I really miss those folks
  23. You ever lost friends and family to AIDS? I have. Both. Fuck off
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