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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NAVY

  1. Eh, might want to turn it on, turn it on again
  2. Totes Gen X. And that’s why whatever
  3. Is that the weather-making iPad?
  4. It’s just more to be undecided about
  5. I get the duck, but how they get the football players up in the sky like that?
  6. Like some 100 year decision?
  7. NAVY


    I watched it last night. Damn funny but lacks the charm of Napoleon Dynamite. Worked very well with the edible
  8. It’s almost like a roller coaster climbing before some downhill crescendo
  9. I don’t care about getting negged. Would you mind splaining the hate on her? Learn me up? She’s a performance artist with a bunch of funny odd shit.
  10. NAVY


    Aye aye Kenworth
  11. NAVY


    Haha, this movie is from 14 years ago! Looks new to me. Also I’m an idiot
  12. NAVY


    Eleventy percent in!
  13. I’ve been laughing at this for 10 minutes. Fucking lizards
  14. Florida of all places should be voting blue so they can keep impregnating each others wives. Hell, same for Texas
  15. I would have used: Asshole 1 - Asshole 2 - ….
  16. Naw. That’s the worm running the show
  17. Asking for, a friend, of course. Eh, which brand was that?
  18. Come on join our convoy ain’t she a beautiful sight
  19. It’s totally piss. Super fun piss
  20. LHN was the stupidest shit. Cable, pushah
  21. These big river SEC hos know the flavor of our ass now.
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