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Posts posted by NAVY

  1. 40 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Trump is not that intelligent.  He's just not.  Right now, as we are speaking, he's campaigning in Buttfuck, Texas  (technically it's near Tomball/Klein, but I think "Buttfuck, Texas" works).  It's an area that he's not in danger of losing, in a state that he's not in danger of losing (as long as the Dems stay home).  He's in it for the grift.

    If he was intelligent enough to use Tuberville to get some revenge on the military for some reason, as if Trump knows the ins and outs of how the Senate works enough to tell Tubby to shut down unanimous consent votes, and is if Trump knows any flag officers who have served in the past few years  other than Mark Milley, then he would be intelligent enough to be campaigning in Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. You know, the states that he has to try and win back somehow if he plans on winning.  But he's not doing that.

    Hell, his next campaign stop is in a week, in Florida, another state he won't lose, during the Republican debate that he's skipping.

    Trump is not trying to win this thing, he's in it for the grift.  And if somebody was whispering in Trump's ears, they wouldn't be trying to temporarily hold up military promotions (all the while making the GOP look extremely bad heading into an election year), they'd be busting their asses getting him to campaign rallies in Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

    I don’t know man. I dig what you’re saying but every time I try to figure out what idiots would do I end up over thinking it. 

    Go figure. 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, NWBuck said:

    Folks around the corner really trying to lure Lauren Bobert 


    They'd even done some painted signs and stuff... Looked clearer in the day. 



    Fucking sand worms. Ya know what I mean? 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, tbone_ said:

    I don’t think Rush tapped into the anger as was said above as much as he convinced people to be angry then fueled it.

    Loudest mouth wins is what he really set in motion.

    He made idiots feel smart. That’s the value.  Gave them opinions they couldn’t even fully comprehend. 

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  4. 6 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Amen.  I know people were bitter at Carter over various things, including gas prices, the Panama Canal, pardoning hundreds of thousands of draft dodgers who went to Canada and elsewhere, and especially the Iranian hostages (which there was fuckery there working against him) but it wasn't the kind of hate we see now.

    And when Clinton won, sure, there was some hate, but almost more disappointment and some anger at Ross Perot for "tainting" the election, but we were still coming off of a streak of 20 years of GOP rule vs 4 years of Democratic rule, so there was some weariness.  

    And in '92, there were still a shitload of Democrats in Texas who had not yet switched to the GOP, and the GOP did not have Texas fully locked in - Bush pulled in 2.5 million, Clinton 2.3 million, and Perot 1.3 million.  Hell, Rick Perry was Al Gore's campaign manager in Texas just four years before in 1988.

    But Limbaugh figured it out. He found a great cast of characters, helped by Gingrich and the Clinton/Arkansas shenanigans (White Water, the missing files suddenly appearing, etc.), but Limbaugh tapped into a hatred/anger that was under the surface and kept out of site by most decent people. He helped to surface that anger and hatred.  He helped shape the GOP from "your failures in life are because you couldn't pull yourself up by your bootstraps" to "your failures in life are because Democrats".  Obama was kind of the culmination of those efforts of 16 years of Clinton and Bush, but McCain and Romney weren't willing to fully embrace what Limbaugh had created (they embraced the Obama hate, but they didn't go down the birther rabbit hole).

    Trump comes along, and he fully embraces everything Limbaugh pushed, and everything that was spawned from, or influenced by, Limbaugh (including the birther bullshit, and the Alex Jones wing of the right-wing, etc.).


    What you said plus: 

    Limbaugh made politic entertaining. Idiots drawn to the fun flame got all mouthy despite failing high school algebra. Fucking social media gave the dumbest a chamber of idiocy. Hence GQP 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Jimbob said:

    They have the only stadium modeled after an open tackle box, brought to you by Carls Jr., and Brawndo flowing from the taps.   
    Life imitates art

    It is the thirst mutilator. So that’s nice 

    also I love you welcome to Costco 

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