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Posts posted by NAVY

  1. 1 minute ago, Hermanator said:

    Disasterous first half. 2 interceptions, 1 gives them an easy TD and 1 takes away a TD from us. 6 penalties including gifting a first down on a punt. Starting center out of the game. All sorts of stupid mistakes like trying to return kicks only getting to the 15. 

    And it's a 3 point game. Just clean it up and we win this game. They threw their best punch. 


    horns been dominating the second half this season 

  2. 48 minutes ago, Crapinon said:

    I learned a valuable lesson from my FIL. Feign deafness. If they think you can't hear them, they'll ask once then just wander off and bitch about you being deaf. Worked on my MIL and now my wife.

    Married male pattern deafness. Solid strategy 

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